Fox News' Bill O'Reilly and Greta Van Susteren sued for defamation

Fox News hosts Bill O’Reilly and Greta Van Susteren are being sued for defamation by Aviva Nash, who claims that her company, Drum Cafe LLC, was slandered “willfully, intentionally recklessly, and maliciously” by both cable talking heads. According to its website, Drum Cafe is “one the world’s leading Team Building and Corporate Events Companies.”

As the lawsuit, published by E! Online, explains, On the Record with Greta Van Susteren featured a segment about Drum Cafe in its July 19 episode. Without mentioning it by name, Van Susteren called the group’s appearance at a Washington conference held by the General Services Administration “insane,” noting that the event included “$21,000 worth of drumsticks.” Five days later, The O’Reilly Factor played a clip of Nash and Drum Cafe at a GSA event in Vegas before the host decried the group’s work as a “con.”

Nash says that Drum Cafe has lost business as a result of O’Reilly and Van Susteren’s remarks.

A Fox rep says that since the network has not yet been served with a lawsuit, there is nothing on which to comment.

UPDATE: Van Susteren has posted a response to Nash’s suit on her website, calling it “frivolous” and “absurd.” Van Susteren also reiterates that neither she nor Fox has been served by the lawsuit.

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