Jon Stewart and Bill O'Reilly's debate: Discuss.

Stewart OReilly

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, Daily Show savants and Fox News fans — if any of the latter are actually watching this silliness — prepare yourselves for the fight of the century.

In the red corner, boasting a carb-free belly, a Yeti-esque 6’4″ stature, and a brain filled with facts about assassinated presidents, we have the man with the plan (to reduce the size of government), the Factor-y boy, Papa Bear himself: Biiiiiiill O’Reilly!

And in the blue corner, weighing in at 100-some pounds of pure comedic muscle, we’ve got a silver fox who enjoys his lox, a big intellect in a compact 5’6″ package, the twinkly-eyed most trusted fake newsman in American history: Joooooon Stewart!

Who will be victorious when these two go toe-to-toe in Washington, D.C. tonight? The obvious answer is us, the audience. Regardless of whether liberal Stewart or conservative O’Reilly “wins” tonight — whatever “winning” even means in the context of a goofy debate between two TV personalities — anyone who shells out $4.95 to watch the event’s live stream is in for a treat.

And if you don’t feel like dropping a single Lincoln on O’Reilly and Stewart, EW still has you covered. Chat about the Rumble in the Air-Conditioned Auditorium before and as it happens in the comments below. Once the carnage is over, check back for TV critic Ken Tucker’s take and our roundup of the evening’s best zingers — plus a poll where you can tell us who you think claimed victory.

In the meantime, though, sit back, relax, and grab a bowl of popcorn. No matter what happens, this ought to be good — or, at the very least, more exciting than a certain oral altercation that occurred earlier this week.

Read more:

Before their ‘Rumble,’ Jon Stewart and Bill O’Reilly duke it out — VIDEO

Jon Stewart and Bill O’Reilly discuss ‘The Rumble’ debate and their bromance

Jon Stewart and Bill O’Reilly pull their punches during pre-debate showdown — VIDEO

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