'Sherlock' season 3: The first episode is...

Which Sir Arthur Conan Doyle tale will inspire the Sherlock season 3 premiere? You know, the episode that’s sure to pick up right where season 2’s cliffhanger (uh, building hanger?) left off, with the great detective somehow having faked his own death?

The show’s co-creator Mark Gatiss (who also plays Mycroft) has revealed the episode’s title: “The Empty Hearse.” Like other Sherlock titles, it’s a close spin on a Doyle title — in this case the short story The Adventure of the Empty House. Fittingly, the original story tells how Holmes survived his encounter with Moriarty, picking up three years after the previous story. The episode is also expected to introduce a new villain for the show, Moriarty’s chief of staff Colonel Sebastian Moran, “the second most dangerous man in London.”

Sherlock will return this fall/winter on the BBC, with a PBS premiere sometime thereafter.

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