'Pretty Little Liars' react: True confessions?

Photo: ABC Family

I’m here with my sister – the woman responsible for my Pretty Little Liars obsession – and we’re ready for some answers. Instead of giving us more questions, we want some resolutions. Or else we … won’t do a damn thing if we don’t get them. We’re too addicted.

Outfit Watch #1–Mrs. Fields looks amazing in her stressed out casual clothes.

Outfit Watch #2 – Aria’s comic print dress. Its structured sleeves and sheer top make it the perfect geek chic. Find me this dress!

Manicure Watch – Hanna has white tips and I love them.

Clearly, there’s nothing new going on if I’m so focused on the outfits. Hanna’s mom is still in jail, Spencer’s mom is still trying to spring her, Emily’s mom is still in trouble at work, and Aria’s mom is still in Austria. The girls are basically dealing with the fallout from this. Where’s Calby?

So what have we all learned about Hanna’s plans? In a nutshell: they are terrible and never work. Now she’s going to confess to killing Wilden? Someone has got to get some control over her before she carries on with this insanity. The girls are all on their own missions, and what happened to them working together? Is that the lesson of this season? Stick with your friends, girls! Don’t put your trust in Mona, the biggest double talker in Rosewood. (I don’t trust anyone.)

Hufflepuff Spencer brought a police report and some cookies to the real Eddie Lamb, and he seemed to know more about it than we currently do. So awesome! Pretty Little Liars told us it was a 500 piece puzzle when we sat down to put the pieces together, and since we started, about 500 additional pieces have fallen from the ceiling. Where do they belong?

Side notes: Those photos of Emily doing hard labor cracked me up. And why doesn’t Habitat for Humanity rebuild the Fields’ house?

I really wish that someone would tell Hanna she is being stupid and that she would actually listen.

Mr. Rosy Cheeks decided to cover for Spencer stealing the file proving that Wilden changed the report about Toby’s mom’s death (did you get all that?). Is this another older man who has the hots for Spencer? By rights, he would have to date Melissa first.

“Bugs are getting in your hair and the lake smells like something died in it.”: just a typical Hanna and Mona moment – keeping it about sensory details.

It has just occurred to me how intensely helpless the girls have seemed lately. They have required a lot of knight-in-shining-armor moments. What ever happened to girl power, Liars? I am really dissatisfied with the fact that they have played such passive roles in all of this – or their aggression has been completely misguided. I am also upset about all the moms being targeted. Poor Pam and her breakdown actually got me tearing up a little. Nothing is going right in her life.

So is Mona confessing on Hanna’s behalf? Is Spencer’s mom just okay with the fact that her daughter stole evidence?


Is it true? What is her plan? Why are the girls always on the outside of their own lives? I’m so confused. Obviously. It’s Pretty Little Liars! Please, tell me what you think. Let’s solve this together once and for all!

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