Nicolas Cage swings around on Miley Cyrus' 'Wrecking Ball'

Wrecking Ball Nicolas Cage

After Miley Cyrus' much-debated VMA's performance, the singer decided the only way to top her stint of near-naked twerking on stage was to get completely naked in her newest video for the song "Wrecking Ball." Oh, and obviously she had to lick a sledgehammer, too.

But now that (quite literally) everyone has watched the new video, what's next? Well, thanks to one YouTube user, how about a remix of the "Wrecking Ball" video featuring none other than Nicolas Cage? How would that work, you ask? It's simple really: Just paste Cage's face onto Cyrus' naked body, and watch him/her swing around on a wrecking ball. Happy Friday to you!

Watch what's sure to become a viral video below:

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