Sinead O'Connor writes another open letter to Miley Cyrus

Photo: Fred Tanneau/Getty Images

On Oct. 2, outspoken Irish singer-songwriter Sinead O’Connor posted an open letter to Miley Cyrus on her website that chided the starlet for getting naked in her “Wrecking Ball” video — which Cyrus had told Rolling Stone was partly inspired by O’Connor’s iconic “Nothing Compares 2U” clip. “Nothing but harm will come in the long run, from allowing yourself to be exploited,” O’Connor wrote to Cyrus, “and it is absolutely NOT in ANY way an empowerment of yourself or any other young women, for you to send across the message that you are to be valued (even by you) more for your sexual appeal than your obvious talent.”

Cyrus didn’t take kindly to the harsh criticism, tweeting out a response that compared O’Connor to troubled starlet Amanda Bynes and included a screengrab of the bipolar singer’s very public Twitter meltdown from January 2012. Cyrus, who will host Saturday Night Live this weekend, then tweeted an image of O’Connor famously tearing up a photo of Pope John Paul II during her own Saturday Night Live gig in 1992.

O’Connor has now taken to her website to address Cyrus again — and she’s not playing nice this time around. “I mean really really… who advises you?” she asks. “Have you any idea how stupid and dangerous it is to mock people for suffering illness?”

She also takes issue with Cyrus’ tweet about O’Connor’s pope-tearing SNL stunt. “By mocking it you mock every child who suffered sexual abuse at the hands of priests and had it covered by the Vatican,” she says. “You could really do with educating yourself, that is if you’re not too busy getting your t–s out to read.” Yikes.

Once again, Cyrus has responded to O’Connor’s open letter on her Twitter:

Read O’Connor’s full letter below:

Miley… Really? Who the f—k is advising you? Because taking me on is even more f—kin’ stupid than behaving like a prostitute and calling it feminism. You have posted today tweets of mine which are two years old, which were posted by me when I was unwell and seeking help so as to make them look like they are recent. In doing so you mock myself and Amanda Bynes for having suffered with mental health issues and for having sought help.

I mean really really… who advises you? have you any idea how stupid and dangerous it is to mock people for suffering illness? You will yourself one day suffer such illness, that is without doubt. The course you have set yourself upon can only end in that, trust me.

I am staggered that any 20 yr old woman of the 21st century could behave in such a dangerous and irresponsible manner as to not only send the signal to young women that its ok to act like prostitutes but also to the signal that those who have suffered or do suffer mental health problems are to be mocked and have their opinions invalidated. Have you no sense of danger at all? or responsibility? Remove your tweets immediately or you will hear from my lawyers. I am certain you will be hearing from all manner of mental health advocacy groups also. It is not acceptable to mock any person for having suffered.

It is most unbecoming of you to respond in such a fashion to someone who expressed care for you. And worse that you are such an anti-female tool of the anti-female music industry. I hope that you will apologise to Amanda Bynes and to any person who has been wounded by your mockery of those who have suffered. And I hope that you will wake up and understand that you in fact are a danger to women.

Furthermore you posted a photo of me tearing the pope’s photo .. as if to imply insanity.. by doing so all you have achieved is to expose your staggering ignorance. I suggest you read The Philadelphia Report, The Boston Report, all the reports which will illuminate for you why that action of mine remains sane and valid. By mocking it you mock every child who suffered sexual abuse at the hands of priests and had it covered by the Vatican. You could really do with educating yourself, that is if you’re not too busy getting your tits out to read.

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