22 Jump Street Movie

The boys are back! Except this time they're undercover in college.

22 Jump Street isn't just another bigger, louder, pricier sequel. It's a knowingly bigger, louder, pricier sequel. ''The only interest for me in doing this…
Photo: Glen Wilson

22 Jump Street isn’t just another bigger, louder, pricier sequel. It’s a knowingly bigger, louder, pricier sequel. ”The only interest for me in doing this movie was to make fun of the idea of a sequel,” says Jonah Hill, who co-wrote the story and returns as nebbishy cop Schmidt, paired with studly partner Jenko (Channing Tatum). ”We riff on the idea that people just want to see the same thing they saw the first time.”

So while Schmidt and Jenko are back busting drug rings, this time posing as college students, Hill and Tatum are also poking fun at their public images. ”I always joke with Jonah about how serious an actor he is now that he’s been nominated [for an Oscar] twice, and how I’m always trying to do big action movies,” says Tatum. ”So he takes his character super-serious when he’s undercover, and I’m always doing unnecessary action. There’s even a dig at White House Down.”

Fans, be warned: This may be the duo’s final bust. ”It was kind of natural that we went to college after going to high school in the first movie,” says Tatum. ”Where do you go next? Med school? Grad school?” If anyone could turn the MCAT into comedy gold, it’s these guys.

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