'Love Is Strange' trailer: Honeymoon's over for Molina and Lithgow

Love is Strange John Lithgow and Alfred Molina
Photo: Sony Pictures Classics

In Ira Sach’s Love Is Strange, George (Alfred Molina) and Ben (John Lithgow) finally get married after years of being together. Let the blissful honeymoon commence! Well, not quite.

Trouble strikes the newlyweds when George is fired from his teaching post, forcing the pair to stay with friends separately as they sell their home and look for more affordable housing. The situation proves difficult for both the couple and the friends and family they’re bunking with.

As a testament to that, in the trailer, Marisa Tomei’s Kate, a novelist who works at home, lies in bed with her husband, saying, “I didn’t have a very productive day.” The trailer then cuts to Kate and Ben sitting in a room with Ben pestering Kate while she’s trying to write. Later, Ben says, “When you live with people, you know them better than you care to.” Nothing like bad roommates, am I right?

Our hunch? Love—and family, and friendship—will prevail. Decide for yourself here:

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