Entourage becomes next victim of Honest Trailers

Photo: Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

Entourage will be continued with the anticipated follow-up film Wednesday. If you want to attend but didn’t catch the show’s eight seasons, then a Wikipedia deep-dive might be adequate. Or, to save the almost-50-hour undertaking, just watch Screen Junkies apply their ever-entertaining “Honest Trailers” truth-laden snark.

“HBO already hit it big with four self-absorbed women treating New York City like their personal sex playground,” the stereotypically-voiced voiceover says of Sex and the City. “Now, get ready for the exact same thing with dudes in Los Angeles.”

As someone who’s seen maybe three episodes of Entourage—and yes, I realize this is a curated selection of its less tasteful moments—it’s incredible how dated the show appears with the casual sexist and homophobic remarks courtesy of Ari and others. It is, as the trailer poses, “the height of bro culture” and “the TV equivalent of booze.”

Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

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