There's a mysterious 'Entourage' poster haunting this Indian restaurant for eternity

Photo: Frazer Harrison/Getty Images

Entourage may have been off the air for years, but its spirit lives on in the form of a new, poorly reviewed movie—and an enigmatic poster that’s been stuck on the wall of an Indian restaurant for as long as anyone can remember. reports that the India Castle in Cambridge, Massachusetts, has a very old Entourage poster hanging on its wall that the owner, Rabhbir Singh, cannot remove.

According to Singh, when the HBO series had a brief syndication run about five years ago, a local TV representative offered to pay the restaurant owner to have a poster box installed in his establishment (and said the artwork would change every two weeks). Five years later, however, and the poster is still there: The box locks, Singh doesn’t have the key — or any way to remove the poster — and the rep never returned. ( reached out to the TV station, who said that they have no idea where the poster came from or why it’s there.)

See the poster below. Read the full story at (Oh yeahhh. Oh yeahhh. Oh yeahhh.)

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