Natasha Lyonne & Alex Karpovsky star in new Tanlines video


Natasha Lyonne might not be doing so well on Orange is the New Black, but her situation’s a little less bleak in the new Tanlines video for “Palace,” in which she stars with Girls’ Alex Karpovsky.

Lyonne plays Tanlines frontman Eric Emm’s partner in the video, but they don’t have the happiest relationship: There’s lots of fighting and a seemingly unproductive therapy session (the psychoanalyst spends his time drawing hearts around Sigmund Freud’s name on a notepad). Meanwhile, Karpovsky simulates sex with multiple woman before getting electrocuted in a bathtub.

It’s not all sad though. Lyonne gets her dance on occassionally in the video, which Karpovsky co-directed along with Tiny Furniture composer Teddy Blanks. Watch below.

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