Fantastic Four awkward interview 'just ignorance,' Kate Mara and Michael B. Jordan say

Photo: Paras Griffin/WireImage

Fantastic Four co-stars Michael B. Jordan and Kate Mara recently endured a cringe-worthy interview with Atlanta’s Rock 100.5 Morning Show, in which they were asked to explain how their characters could be brother and sister. Yesterday, the pair dismissed the radio host’s not-so-fantastic questions during a sit-down with HuffPost Live.

“It’s just ignorance,” Mara said.

“Sometimes journalists use that [interview] room as a safety net to ask questions they never would have asked you outside of that room,” Jordan added. “As actors, sometimes we feel pressure to always say what you’re supposed to and put your best foot forward in promoting a film. We don’t want to bring any negativity toward the positive message [of promoting the film], but we’re still people, and still human.”

Fantastic Four opens in theaters Friday. You can see Mara, Jordan, and co-stars Miles Teller and Jamie Bell discuss that interview and the film itself in the video below.

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