The Royals season 2: Alexandra Park talks love affairs and spoilers

We'll see Princess Eleanor kiss a girl (and like it)

Photo: James Dimmock/E!

Move over, Harry: Britain’s most rebellious royal is back. (On TV, that is.) With the return of The Royals to E! on Sunday, hard-partying Princess Eleanor (Alexandra Park) is set to light sparks as she and her twin (William Moseley) seek revenge for King Simon’s murder, while their mother, Queen Helena (Elizabeth Hurley), schemes to take back the throne from caddish Cyrus (Jake Maskall). Before Park returns to the world of crown jewels and racy love scenes, we asked the royal baddie to answer some monarchical queries.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Which five words would you use to describe the upcoming season?

ALEXANDRA PARK: Fast-paced. Exciting. Terrifying. Delicious. And heartbreaking.

Who’s better BFF material: Prince Harry or Pippa?

Eleanor really wants to have some friends, since she doesn’t have any. So she could scope Pippa out as a girl bud. They’re both single!

Why are Americans are so obsessed with the British royal family?

They’re the ultimate celebrity: fabulous, spectacular, and untouchable.

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Which royal prince is more of Eleanor’s type: Harry or William?

Harry. Just because he’s more of the party boy, he seems to go out and have fun.

In Princess Kate’s wardrobe you’re likely to find ladylike pumps and skirt suits. What would we find in Eleanor’s closet?

A few pairs of intense thigh high boots for casual wear. An insane studded Diesel jacket, which is like some ridiculous price that I don’t even want to think about. And there’s a few pairs of Jimmy Choo ankle boots, and leather pants of all descriptions.

Have you ever had a real-life royal encounter?

To me, Elizabeth is British royalty. If that counts, than yes, I’ve rubbed shoulders with royalty.

Do you think Princess Eleanor could ever end up on the throne?

Oh God, yeah. I tried on all the crown jewels. They look fabulous, and I’m ready to slip to them on when someone decides it’s time for Eleanor to be queen.

I heard the princess might dip into the lady pond this season. Will Eleanor be the first out-and-proud royal lesbian?

Yes. I don’t know if she’ll become the first official royal lesbian, but that’d be cool. I’d claim that.

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