Fuller House teaser cut for a horror film

(It doesn't take much to make the transition)

Photo: Netflix

This re-cut trailer is definitely not what you’d expect from the family-friendly crew of Full House.

Both nostalgia and anticipation were high when Netflix released the first teaser trailer for Fuller House on Thursday, complete with familiar voices spouting some classic catchphrases (“Cut. It. Out,” “The hair, huh?”). However, ScreenCrush decided to look at the trailer from a completely different angle, accomplishing the task with a simple change of score.

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The original clip shows the empty Tanner household still looking like it did back 1995 set to the sweet Miranda Lambert song “The House That Built Me.” The teaser doesn’t show any of the actors, only the family dog Comet, who gets excited as he hears the family come to the door. It must have been this creepy absence that makes replacing Lambert’s comforting twang with a dissonant song from the soundtrack of horror movie It Follows convincing. All we’re missing now is some creepy twins — why aren’t you here, MK and Ash!?

The probably-not-that-scary Fuller House will premiere on Netflix on Feb. 26.

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