Friday Night Lights: Wisdom from Tim Riggins

Photo: Dean Hendler/NBC

In the very first episode of Friday Night Lights‘ second season, Landry posed a question to Saracen: WWRD? Or, what would Riggins do? Because let’s face it: Tim Riggins knows how to live life with #noregrets. (Well, except maybe for that one decision in season 4.)

Regardless, Riggins is the kind of character who comes around once in a lifetime. So, in honor of Taylor Kitsch’s 35th birthday Friday, we’ve rounded up some timeless Riggins wisdom — the good, the bad, and the oh-so-Tim.

Always look your best.

Never lose sight of who you are.

It’s great to care about things other than football.

Sometimes, you really can judge a book by its cover/title.


Pie is always a good idea.

Sunlight is a bad idea.

Also a bad idea? Saracen holding a gun.

There’s no safer place in a tornado than in Tim’s arms.

When in doubt, do some sit-ups.

Don’t EVER mess with Julie Taylor.

Friendship is a gift to be cherished.

Hurting people isn’t always bad.

College isn’t for everyone.

Sometimes, you just have to apologize.

Don’t let anyone stand in the way of you achieving your dreams, no matter how much you love their long hair.

Clear eyes, full hearts, really can’t lose.

Always know that Tim loves you.

Texas is great.

So great that it can (and will) last forever.

And when all else fails, know that beer will always have your back.

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