Veep: Anna Chlumsky says thick skin necessary for physical insults

Anna Chlumsky, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Tony Hale, and Reid Scott in 'Veep'
Photo: Lacey Terrell/HBO

Fans of Veep are aware that the insults come thick and fast on the Julia Louis-Dreyfus-starring political sitcom, which returns to HBO April 24. But do the quips ever get so barbed that cast members feel the need to apologize for their character’s slams?

“Every once in a great while — especially if it’s a guest,” says Anna Chlumsky, who plays Amy Brookheimer, the campaign manager of Louis-Dreyfus’ titular politician. “Then it’s like, We know you just came into this, you know we like you, this is not personal.’ And, especially, sometimes the insults are physically driven, and those are the ones that you kind of have to — as a person getting them — you have to have a thick skin.”

You can hear the complete interview with Chlumsky on the Entertainment Weirdly show on Monday, April 25 at 1 p.m. ET on Sirius XM’s EW Channel. And you can see video from that interview, above.

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