Cartoon Donald Trump is trying to win Bernie Sanders supporters

Photo: CBS

As Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump prepare for their election showdown this fall, the presumptive Republican nominee has announced a somewhat strange strategy: He wants to win over disaffected Bernie Sanders supporters.

As Stephen Colbert noted on Thursday night, this is basically like telling those Sanders superfans, “If you can’t have what you want, how about the exact opposite? It’s like when they’re all out of chocolate ice cream, so instead you get someone to call you fat and deport your family.”

To delve deeper onto this topic, Colbert brought back his cartoon version of Trump. He asked Cartoon Trump how he intended to win over Sanders’ very young and very liberal voters

“Stephen, I’m known for liking them young, come on,” Cartoon Trump said. “Everybody knows that.”

To prove how “liberal” he is, Cartoon Trump then donned a new version of his Make America Great Again hat: a Rastafarian dreadlock hat. He told Colbert he wouldn’t be changing his policies, just repackaging them in a new way.

“I’m still building that wall with Mexico, but now it’s gonna be covered in Phish posters,” Cartoon Trump said.

Watch the clip below.

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