Drunk History: Derek Waters previews new season

And not just because of the 'Hamilton' episode

Photo: Comedy Central

Season 4 of Drunk History is trying something new. Instead of theming episodes around cities, each one will have an abstract theme. The premiere, for instance, is titled “Great Escapes,” and features stories about Timothy Leary’s prison breakout and one passenger’s unique escape from the sinking Titanic.

“There’d be times where we needed to find a third story in Miami or something,” creator Derek Waters tells EW. “Going into season 4, we decided we should just tell good stories, and that way we won’t have to put in anything that we’re not obsessed about. It’s my favorite season.”

This season also includes the much-anticipated, female-driven Alexander Hamilton episode. Narrated by Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Miranda, the episode stars Alia Shawkat as Hamilton and and Aubrey Plaza as his nemesis, Aaron Burr.

“Lin did such a good job of mixing races in Hamilton, so we wanted to do something that stood out,” Waters says. “We wanted to do something that wasn’t exactly the Hamilton musical.”


“As kids, we’re always told you should learn from your elders, from your past, but that’s never been ‘cool,’” Waters says. “For some reason, thank god, we’re in a time where people are really interested in the past and learning from it. I’m excited to be part of something that’s on the way up. Education is number one, no matter what. The more we learn, the better we are. It’s still a comedy show, but I secretly want it to be a history show.”

The Hamilton episode isn’t the only one Waters is excited for, either. Another episode is themed around “S–tshows” (“classic history word,” Waters notes with a laugh) and involves Jenny Slate telling the story of the world’s worst vaudeville duo and Bob Odenkirk’s take on Disco Demolition Night.


Season 4 of Drunk History premieres Sep. 27 on Comedy Central.

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