Power Rangers movie trailer: These teens have attitude

ALL CROPS: From left to right: Trini the Yellow Ranger (Becky G), Zack the Black Ranger (Ludi Lin), Jason the Red Ranger (Dacre Montgomery), Kimberly the Pink Ranger (Naomi Scott) and Billy the Blue Ranger (RJ Cyler) in SABAN'S POWER RANGERS.CR:
Photo: Tim Palen

Back in the ’90s, boys and girls woke up on Saturday mornings, turned on the TV, and watched Power Rangers. This Saturday, kids are waking up to the first trailer for the Power Rangers movie reboot, which dropped ahead of Lionsgate’s New York Comic Con panel at Madison Square Garden.

The old tagline, “teenagers with attitude,” gets a new spin. Red Ranger Jason (Dacre Montgomery), Pink Ranger Kimberly (Naomi Scott), Blue Ranger Billy (RJ Cyler), Black Ranger Zack (Ludi Lin), and Yellow Ranger Trini (Becky G.) are all troubled kids either being bullied by other teens or being bullied by the law.

When they stumble upon alien tech (i.e. those power coins) they acquire superhuman abilities they’ll soon use to protect their home of Angel Grove from an alien threat. We only get a glimpse of their version of “morphin’ time” in the trailer, but we see the villain Rita Repulsa (Elizabeth Banks), who, as she says, is in the business of killing Rangers.

This is not your grandma’s Power Rangers. The footage’s dark color palette reflects it’s darker tone, somewhere in between YA sci-fi novels and Josh Trank’s Chronicle. Also in the cast though not shown are Bryan Cranston as the voice of Zordon and Bill Hader as the voice of Alpha 5.

The film will be released on March 24, 2017. Watch the trailer above and check out our interview with the cast below:

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