Nobel Prize panel stops trying to get in touch with Bob Dylan

The newly decorated Nobel Prize winner has yet to make a public statement

Photo: Michael Kovac/WireImage

Bob Dylan has yet to make a public statement about his recent win of the Nobel Prize in Literature, nor has the renowned musician responded to the Swedish Academy itself.

According to The Guardian, the Swedish Academy’s permanent secretary Sara Danius spoke on the Swedish state radio station SR and said she has not heard from Dylan since making the announcement. “Right now we are doing nothing. I have called and sent emails to his closest collaborator and received very friendly replies. For now, that is certainly enough.”

Dylan has made no indication whether he would attend the ceremony and gala held on December 10 where winners customarily give a speech. Danius says she’s “not worried,” and thinks “he will show up.” She also said the event would proceed with or without Dylan, “If he doesn’t want to come, he won’t come. It will be a big party in any case and the honor belongs to him.”

Awarding the Nobel Prize in Literature to Dylan has been met with accolades as well as controversy. Though the award was celebrated by the likes of President Obama, some authors took to Twitter to express their disgruntlement with the decision.

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