Have you turned Emmys' comedy snub-ees into EWwy winners yet?

If you’re anything like me, you love the Emmys, and yet at the same time, you hate the annual TV kudosfest for the way it overlooks fresh, exciting shows and performances in favor of Tony Shalhoub. Which is why we’ve created the EWwys, a unicorn-fantastical awards program that serves to honor those most unforgivably snubbed by Emmy. I mean, srrrrsly, check out embedded clips below of the six shows nominated for an EWwy for Best Comedy Series and tell me how none of ’em made the grade with the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. When you’re done, check out all 30 nominees in the five EWwy Comedy categories and vote for your favorites. If you need a refresher, our buddies at Hulu.com have set up a EWwys video hub where you can while away the workday watching selected clips of our hilarious nominees. You’ll have fun, fun, fun till your boss takes your keyboard away.

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