Emo Kylo Ren, the galaxy's best Twitter account, is back

Back in 2015, Star Wars: The Force Awakens gave us many gifts — BB-8, Rey, this gif of Oscar Isaac dancing. But one of the most delightful things to come out of J.J. Abrams’ installment was the parody Twitter account Emo Kylo Ren, which reimagined Adam Driver’s angsty antagonist as an Hot Topic-loving teenager who hated his parents. The account racked up more than 776,000 followers before falling silent around the release of Rogue One. Since then, he’s only popped up a few times to share the occasional deep thought.

Now, with Rian Johnson’s The Last Jedi finally hitting theaters, he’s back. And no spoilers, but the eighth installment finds him in a bit of a different state… emotionally and physically.

Fascinatingly, Driver himself recently revealed that despite being the inspiration for Emo Kylo Ren, he doesn’t actually know what emo is. In an interview with Rolling Stone, he asks the writer, point blank, “What is emo?” Still, he does agree that Kylo certainly seems to have a lot of feelings.

“You have someone who’s being told that he’s special his whole life,” Driver told Rolling Stone, “and he can feel it. And he feels everything probably more intensely than the people around him, you know?”

The Last Jedi is in theaters now.

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