Fan puts old Harrison Ford footage into Solo, and the result ... gives us a bad feeling

** Insert Harrison Ford eyeroll and grumble **

We don’t need a few moments to get the coordinates from the navicomputer — this effort to insert old footage of Harrison Ford into the trailer for Solo: A Star Wars Story stalls out immediately.

The May 25 movie starring Alden Ehrenreich in the origin story of the smuggler-turned-reluctant-hero doesn’t attempt to force the young actor to do an impression of Ford, which is probably for the better.

It’s about capturing a vibe, not a specific look or voice. But it was inevitable, given the ease of editing together old and new footage, somebody somewhere was going to graft Ford’s young mug onto Ehrenreich’s body.

Well, here it is, courtesy of editor Nick Acosta. (No offense, Nick. It was a noble effort.) But the effect is seldom successful or convincing, apart from the “driver” line. That matches pretty well.

The rest, as the headline says, gives us a bad feeling about this.

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