Watch Bryce Dallas Howard interview Chris Pratt on Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom set

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom costars Bryce Dallas Howard and Chris Pratt have a natural and hilarious raptor rapport, which makes Howard the perfect person to grill Pratt on what it takes to be an actor.

During their last day on the Jurassic World set, Howard got to interview Pratt, who brought his signature dry humor to the proceedings. While describing the most important elements of his job as an actor, he notes, “Today it is important for me to walk down a stream and turn my head a certain direction and squint my eyes. Other days I might be running away from something, so it’s very physical.” We also see him joking with the crew about his ability to reach 65 miles per hour while running in rehearsal for a scene. “It’s only 20 yards, so I can’t get to top speed,” he explains with a serious face. “I’m probably only going 60, 65 miles per hour on that run.”

The Jurassic World star also reveals that he loved watching “anything with Jim Carrey, and anything with Sylvester Stallone” when he was a kid, so his career is basically a combination of the two.

Watch the exclusive clip above to see more behind-the-scenes footage of Howard and Pratt filming Jurassic World, including shots of them shooting physical action scenes as well as Pratt getting up close and personal with a dinosaur.

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