R.I.P. Fox, long live Disney's rebranded 20th Century Studios and Searchlight Pictures

Twentieth Century Fox and Fox Searchlight, the Hollywood studio divisions behind Oscar-nominated films like Jojo Rabbit and Ford v Ferrari, passed away Friday. They are survived by parent company Disney, which formally purchased them in 2019.

On the same day, 20th Century Studios and Searchlight Pictures were born.

Ad Astra / Jojo Rabbit / Dark Phoenix
Francois Duhamel/20th Century Studios; Searchlight Pictures; 20th Century Studios

In the latest not-surprising move from the Mouse House regarding all the Fox properties acquired from Rupert Murdoch's Fox corporation, Disney has officially phased out the Fox name from the two divisions. The logos won't be dramatically different, aside from the fact that the word "Fox" won't be in them anymore. It's unclear if the same rebranding move will befall the Fox and FX TV domains. Murdoch still owns and operates the Fox News media channel.

Per Disney's current film slate, Downhill, starring Will Ferrell and Julia Louis-Dreyfus in an American remake of the 2014 film Force Majeure, will be the first Fox Searchlight title released under the Searchlight Pictures banner, on Feb. 14. Call of the Wild, starring Harrison Ford, will be the first from 20th Century Studios, on Feb. 21.

According to the New York Times, the trumpet fanfare from composer Alfred Newman and familiar logo style will remain.

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