Dobby is free, but please stop leaving socks on the beach where he died in Harry Potter

The National Trust will be calling the Ministry of Magic if you don't stop leaving socks on the beach.

Unless you'd like to receive a Howler, the Ministry of Magic National Trust of Wales would really like you to stop leaving socks on the beach where Dobby met his demise.

Freshwater West Beach in Pembrokeshire, Wales, has been inundated with fans who have constructed a makeshift memorial to the house elf from Harry Potter. The location is the site of Dobby's death scene at the conclusion of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows — Part One.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Warner Bros. Pictures

Over the years, the beach has become something of a shrine for Potterheads, who often come bearing the gift of socks. Apparently, they have left so many socks that it has become an environmental concern, leading the National Trust of Wales to conduct an eight-month review of the site.

Socks are an important symbol for Dobby, who is enslaved by the Malfoy family when we first meet him in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. At the end of that book, Harry tricks Lucius Malfoy into handing Dobby a sock, thereby freeing him from his servitude. Dobby keeps the sock until his death, which comes as he rescues Harry and his friends from the dungeon at Malfoy Manor. Dobby dies in Harry's arms on the beach after they disapparate there.

After their extensive review, the National Trust has determined to let the current memorial to Dobby remain on Freshwater Beach — with the plea that no more items be added to it.

"The memorial to Dobby will remain at Freshwater West in the immediate term for people to enjoy," the National Trust Wales said in a statement. "The Trust is asking visitors to only take photos when visiting the memorial to help protect the wider landscape. Items like socks, trinkets, and paint chips from painted pebbles could enter the marine environment and food chain and put wildlife at risk."

1. Dobby
Warner Bros. Pictures

"While we're delighted that so many want to visit, we have to balance the popularity of the site with impacts on the sensitive nature of the beach and wider environment, and pressure on the facilities and surrounding roads," another official with the National Trust Wales noted.

So remember, the beach is such a beautiful place to be with friends — and visitors can help keep it that way.

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