Watch Kelly Clarkson serenade a bunch of unsuspecting cafe customers

No stage? No problem.

How about a surprise Kelly Clarkson performance to go with that iced latte?

Some unsuspecting Angelenos were treated to a serenade from the original American Idol winner Wednesday when Clarkson interrupted their midday food run with an impromptu concert.

As captured on several videos posted on social media, Clarkson stopped by a coffee shop, a salad joint, and a bakery at the Platform shopping center in Culver City to belt out some songs from her upcoming album Chemistry. Though she didn't need any musical accompaniment, Clarkson did have Los Angeles-based choir Tonality on hand as she gave folks a taste of new tracks like "Favorite Kind of High" and "Me."

Alongside one video posted to Twitter, tech entrepreneur Arjun Rai noted that he was in the middle of a meeting for his startup when Clarkson and her crew arrived at the cafe. The singer performed for a bit before approaching the counter and quipping, "I would like a vanilla latte."

Clarkson's pop-up performances came as she prepares to release Chemistry, her 10th studio album, on June 23.

Heralded as a post-divorce album, Chemistry covers Clarkson's seven-year marriage to Brandon Blackstock, and she recently told EW that while she's "definitely very honest" in the music, some tracks written in the immediate aftermath of their split were "too truth-telling" to make the cut. "I know people will hear this record and be like, 'Oh, damn, she went there!' and I'm like, 'No, I promise you I didn't,'" she said.

In the meantime, L.A. residents should soak up the Clarkson serenades while they can. As her album release approaches, another big change is just around the corner: The Kelly Clarkson Show is moving to the East Coast, where New Yorkers will presumably await their own chance for a surprise concert.

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