Ryan Reynolds responds to Deadpool Oscars snub

The superhero star is gracious and ready to tickle

Photo: David Dolsen

In the end, despite some Golden Globes-induced hype, Deadpool was shut out of this year’s Oscars race when nominations were announced on Tuesday morning. Star Ryan Reynolds quickly assured fans that he wasn’t too upset, however. When the R-rated superhero success unexpectedly earned Golden Globe nominations, Reynolds tweeted that the Deadpool team had celebrated with “a grotesque, early morning tickle-fight.” Even with no Oscar nominations to celebrate on Monday morning, Reynolds said that the tickling would not be stopped.

“Regularly scheduled tickle-fight at Camp #Deadpool is still on,” Reynolds tweeted. “Congrats to all the nominees for these brilliant films.”

Deadpool wowed viewers with its mix of dark comedy and superhero style. Unfortunately, neither genre typically fares very well with the Academy, and Reynolds understands this. When the Golden Globes nominations were announced, he told EW that the Oscars probably should have a comedy category.

“I’ve always said that I wish the Oscars had a category for comedy as well,” Reynolds told EW at the time. “It’s not an easy job. Oftentimes with comedies you have to have some pathos and real grit that in turn earns you the right to subvert expectations and be funny. It takes a lot of construction.”

Find a comprehensive list of all Oscar nominations here.

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