Grandfathered recap: Baby Model

Edie catches the eye of a modeling scout

Photo: Jordin Althaus/Fox

This week’s episode of Grandfathered is all about Edie, and it’s almost too much cuteness to handle. Edie is spending the day with Jimmy so her parents can build her some furniture. Conflict, of course, arises when Gerald asks where Jimmy is taking Edie. After the predictable amount of complaining, Jimmy agrees to take Edie to a museum. Of course, they don’t actually go.

Instead, he takes her to a park and buys her a bunch of colored balloons, which he pretends will carry her away if he doesn’t hang on. At this exact adorable moment, a modeling scout happens upon their park bench. Jimmy assumes she’s here about him, but she’s really interested in Edie and gives her a business card. (Business cards are just as helpful to 2-year-olds as they are to anyone else, obviously.)

Jimmy goes home and tells Gerald that Edie loved the science museum — and then, after it becomes clear he knows nothing about said science museum, admits he never went and that a modeling scout discovered Edie. “It’s too bad modeling’s just such a wasteland of a career path,” says Gerald. Vanessa agrees. So does Sara.

“When did modeling become a negative? Edie is pretty, and they want to give her money for it,” Jimmy insists, but they’re still not having it. He leaves, thinking Grandpa Jimmy has been vetoed yet again.

But Vanessa follows Jimmy and stops him on his way out. She acts like they’re fighting but tells him she really wants Edie to model. They team up. With a little lying, Edie’s going to make it big.

Vanessa makes it clear that she’s glad Jimmy’s around — before him, no one would’ve stuck with her to support Edie’s modeling. They sit together, waiting for casting, and it’s clearly a tough environment. Jimmy dubs himself Edie’s agent and is trying to sell her as being too cool to care. Edie, meanwhile, rubs the product, Fuzzy Fruit, on a man’s face. No restraint, that one. And of course, she gets the job.

But now they have to tell Gerald — except, well, do they? He doesn’t read magazines because they’re bad for trees. Maybe Edie can have a secret career under her dad’s radar.

Meanwhile, at the restaurant, Ravi is trying to seduce Annelise on behalf of the new cook, Jess. He makes her a new drink — oysters in a glass. Annelise has no desire to mix work and pleasure, but Jess doesn’t have the same reservations. “I would feel like a tool if I didn’t at least try,” she tells her.

Annelise lays it out like the boss that she is. Work comes first, and she definitely doesn’t do drama. But at the end of her speech, she agrees to go out with Jess. Ravi attributes the success to his oysters, naturally.

Unfortunately for Jimmy, it becomes clear that Edie has adopted the “I don’t care” attitude at her modeling gig. She cries nonstop. But when Sara shows up, having found a flyer on the kitchen table, things look up. She rushes on set and picks Edie up — and then they ask her to be a mom in the shoot.

She’s flattered. Suddenly modeling isn’t too bad after all. She and Edie ham it up, and it looks like everything is going to work out with no issues.

NEXT: Jimmy doesn’t take rejection well

Then the Fuzzy Fruit people reveal that there’s going to be a billboard. Gerald may not read magazines, but it’s hard to avoid billboards for any reason, no matter how eco-friendly. The three decide to convince Gerald that modeling is good for Edie. They just have to get him to believe there’s something good associated with being a baby model.

The four go to dinner, and Sara attempts to cite NPR on the benefits of young girls getting physical praise — it improves their earning potential. Jimmy chimes in that new experiences are good experiences. Gerald, not being an idiot, figures it out pretty quickly. He picks the weakest link, and Vanessa caves almost immediately.

“I don’t want Edie to feel judged by her looks,” he says, talking about how he grew up a loser because he was chubby. He doesn’t want Edie to feel that her self worth is wrapped up in her looks. But since it’s already happened, he agrees to go check out the billboard.

Fuzzy Fruit, it turns out, has edited Sara’s face out and put a blonde woman in her place. Edie, however, looks just as precious as ever.

“If I’m being honest, I love this,” says Gerald. My baby’s a model.” He agrees to let Edie do more modeling, as long as she’s having fun with it.

Back at the restaurant, Jess has called in sick, and Annelise is suspicious. She quizzes Ravi, wondering what’s wrong with her. She didn’t seem sick on their date last night. Eventually, she tries to go to Jess’s house to see if she’s really sick. Ravi jumps in the car, along with some other staff.

“I feel like this is my fault,” Ravi says. “I wanted something sexy and dramatic, and it worked out perfectly.”

But he’s not happy with her anguish by any means. He tells her she’s the complete package and to stop acting so insecure. She’s about to give up and go home when Jess comes out onto her porch and starts making out with another woman.

“You lying slut!” she screams. “I bought you two vanilla martinis and an entrée salad, and this is how you repay me?”

At Edie’s next audition, Jimmy goes in to model for menswear — and his tune on modeling changes when he’s rejected.

“Modeling is stupid,” he tells his family. “This is a cruel, cruel world.” He’s finally seen the light to Gerald’s self-worth argument, and he no longer wants his granddaughter tied up in it.

Instead, the family ditches the casting and watches Bachelor in Paradise together. “No hot tub,” says Edie.

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