Power finale recap: 'You Can't Fix This'

The family unites to avenge Raina's death as Dre's lies catch up to him

Power Season 4 2017
Photo: Myles Aronowitz/Starz

Power's season 4 finale picks up right after the shooting that rocked us all at the end of the last episode. Tariq, Ghost, and Tasha are in the police office, where Tariq is recounting the events that led to his sister's death. The detective questioning Tariq reveals that prints for a size 10.5 boot were found on the scene. As the detective keeps pushing for more information, Tariq starts crying, claiming he's told the cops everything he knows. We all know Tariq is lying.

Tommy is on his way with Sammy to meet the rest of his family when Kanan pulls up with dead bodies in his trunk and asks Tommy for an explanation. Kanan thinks Tommy sent the guys to get him, but Tommy didn't even know Kanan was still in town, and anyway, Kanan looked out for Tariq, so Tommy hasn't got any issues with him. Tommy explains that the dead bodies in the trunk were Cristobal's guys and that he had nothing to do with it. When Kanan hears Dre's name, he starts to figure it out: Dre knew he was coming back. Tommy is starting to realize that Dre messed with his head. It looks like Dre is next on the hit list after they find Raina's killer.

Ghost, Tariq, and Tasha head home while Tasha tries to get through to Tariq. "I know I have told you not to talk about our family with anyone," she says, "but if you saw something last night that you were scared to tell the cops, you have to tell us. You have to." Tariq still keeps insisting he's told her everything. Tasha knows Tariq is lying, but Ghost believes his son; he thinks it was a professional hit from the Jimenez that killed Raina.

Tasha is furious at the idea that this could have been Ghost's fault. "What happened to going clean?!" she asks. Ghost tries to calm her down and vows he's going to "be the one to end this," but as Tasha reminds her husband, "you can't fix this." She cries, "I carried that girl in my body, Ghost. She was blood of my blood, flesh of my flesh. This isn't just happening to you."

Ghost and Tasha enter their penthouse to see it full of friends and loved ones who've heard about Raina. Ghost slips off to the bedroom to get ready for war on the people he thinks killed his daughter.

Angela is starting her first day at work as Head of Criminal, and she's already upsetting Maks, briefing the team on a case Maks used to be assigned to. As for Saxe, he seems like he's trying to rattle her, coming in late and breaking the news that Raina was killed. Even though Angela's new boss, Tameika, has made it clear that James St. Patrick won't be an issue in their office again, Angela clearly looks distracted by the news. Saxe visits Angela in her new office to say this is the perfect opportunity to pursue St. Patrick; people's children don't just get killed like that for no reason. Angela isn't hearing it.

Ghost heads out to meet Tommy, leaving his cell phone behind intentionally, nodding to Tasha since s—'s about to go down. Before he can find Tommy, Angela walks up to him and offers to give him any help she can when it comes to his daughter. She wants to know what Ghost is up to, pleading with him not to do anything criminal. Ghost thanks Angela for her sympathy but doesn't want her help. He and Tommy have some business to take care of. As Ghost and Tommy ride out, Tariq hits up Kanan looking for Ray Ray.

Being the dirty cop that he is, Ray Ray logs in to read Tariq's witness statement to see if he snitched. Knowing he has to leave town, Ray Ray tells his cousin Destiny—Tariq's girlfriend—that he killed Tariq's sister. Their chat is interrupted when Angela shows up at Ray Ray's place looking for details about Raina's death.

Since Ghost and Tommy think the Jimenez killed Raina, they roll up to the Toros Locos and start shooting in a fiery rampage. They find Uriel and torture him to get him to talk, but Uriel insists the Jimenez don't kill children. But he also admits that Dre had him kill Julio, which is enough to make Ghost shoot him in the head — maybe a little bit too soon. Tommy is upset they didn't get more info out of Uriel, but it's about to be on and popping now that Tommy knows Dre set him up. While Ghost goes off to plan his daughter's funeral, Tommy goes lurking for Dre by himself. When he sees Dre talking to a detective—Ray Ray, who wants the money he and Kanan are owed for "babysitting" Tariq—Tommy pulls away.

Meanwhile, Silver stops by to console Tasha at the penthouse, offering all the resources he has to help her while also revealing that he loves her. I can't deal. Silver knows the timing is off, but he's sincere about wanting to help Tasha. "I can't watch this happen to you without being a part of making it right," he says. He then asks about James' whereabouts and warns her that if anything criminal is happening, she needs to stop it. Just when it seems like Tasha is going to give in to Silver, she politely asks him to leave. Silver is surprised.

Everyone is heartbroken over Raina's death, but that doesn't stop them from being opportunists. Councilman Tate meets Ghost at the church to make plans for Raina's funeral arrangements. Ghost doesn't want any part of the pastor turning his daughter's funeral into a big press opportunity, but Tate makes it clear he has no choice. I'm over Tate.

Kanan is setting up shop with some goons, planning how to get money from Dre, when one of the goons tells Kanan that Raina was killed. He calls Tommy, who's in confession with Father Callahan, and gives him a tip: Since Tariq called asking for Ray Ray's whereabouts, Ray Ray is probably the one who killed Raina.

Tommy finds Ray Ray's place and busts in, only to see Destiny. She doesn't want to snitch on her cousin, but then Tommy puts a gun to her head—and when Destiny finds out that Ray Ray took her phone to contact Tariq, she wants to make sure Tariq knows she had nothing to do with it. Tommy makes it clear that she's going to make this right. She tells him that her cousin is making a stop in the Heights before heading for Washington, D.C.

Tommy calls Tasha and tells her they found Raina's killer and that they were after Tariq, not Raina. "Tasha, figure out some alibis," Tommy says. "We gonna need 'em." Tasha wants revenge for Raina: "F—ing gut him, Tommy."

After realizing Tariq and her gun are gone, Tasha becomes desperate to find Tariq. Ghost left his phone, and she doesn't want to call Silver, so Angela ends up being her last resort. She asks Angela to clone Tariq's phone. Angela, who just noticed that Ray Ray viewed the file on Raina's case, asks Tasha if Tariq killed Raina since that's apparently what Ray Ray said when she visited him (!). Tasha goes off, and Angela makes it clear that if James does anything criminal, he's getting the death penalty.

While Tasha is looking for Tariq, Tariq is looking for Ray Ray. Tariq finds Dre at the club and asks for Ray Ray's whereabouts since Dre seems to know everything. He attempts to threaten Dre with a gun if he doesn't tell him where Ray Ray is, so Dre gives him an address and apartment number.

At this point, everyone's gunning Ray Ray down. Ghost is booking it to Washington Heights. Tariq is trying to get into the apartment building. It all spells trouble. As Tariq is going up the elevator, Ghost sees him and starts yelling, but Tariq doesn't hear him. He breaks into the apartment with his dad's work ID. Ghost runs up the steps. Tommy pulls up, and my heart is pounding. Tasha pulls up, too, when she sees both Ghost and Tommy's cars outside.

Tariq finds Ray Ray throwing wads of cash in a duffel bag and holds him at gunpoint. Ray Ray dares him to pull the trigger, and Tariq lowers the gun, but when Ray Ray taunts him, Tariq shoots. One at a time, Ghost, Tommy, and Tasha rush in to find Ray Ray dead on the ground. Tariq says he had to get him back for what he did to Raina.

As Tommy and Ghost start cleaning up, Ghost asks his son how he knew where to find Ray Ray, and Tariq says Dre told him. Ghost and Tommy exchange a look: Dre is next.

When they get back to their building, Tasha takes Tariq to the basement, giving him explicit instructions on how to dispose of his clothes, clean his nails, wash his hands, and take a shower. Tariq tells his mom he's not sorry. "I'm not sorry either," Tasha says. Ghost and Tommy clean up, and Tommy gets a call—for Ghost.

Later, Angela and her agents roll up to the scene of the crime and start digging around. Angela finds a bullet in the wall and requests a ballistics test.

Saxe is in Tameika's ear about turning on Tommy's tracker; he says there's a woman who can identify James as Ghost, and he wants Tameika to talk to her. Although she's trying not to hear it, Tameika agrees to the meeting—which turns out to be with Maria Suárez.

After all is said and done, Tasha meets up with Silver and covers for her son, claiming to be the one who killed Raina's killer. She asks for Silver's help. "I can either be your lover or your lawyer, Tasha," Silver says, "but not both." Tasha hands him a check: "Will you take my case?" There goes their hot and steamy romance. Whew. Didn't see that coming.

In other news, Father Callahan wants out with Dre after finding out he had something to do with killing Julio. Dre tries to play it off but then kills him for admitting his loyalty lies with Tommy.

Dre meets with his guys to introduce them to the Jimenez, who are upset that Uriel's death has left a vacuum at the top of the Toros Locos. Dre swears that no one in this room made the call to kill Uriel and promises there will be no war, and they all leave the meeting shaking hands.

Dre has no idea he's about to go down. When Dre walks out with the Jimenez, he's been watched by Tommy, Ghost, and—wait for it—KANAN. They're all ready to get back at Dre. (Of course, they don't know the tracker on Tommy's car has been turned back on.) Ride out, brothers.

For more on this finale and the "fun" in store for season 5, head here for EW's chat with showrunner Courtney A. Kemp.

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