Watch Jennifer Garner sob about Hamilton while on laughing gas

'It's so beautiful! That musical is so pretty!!!'

If you’ve ever been overcome with emotion by listening to/talking about/thinking about the musical Hamilton, Jennifer Garner wants you to know that you are not alone.

Garner has shared what might be the best #tbt Instagram video of all time: a beautifully shot and brilliantly composed short film of herself recovering from dental surgery — all while sobbing incoherently about how much she loves Hamilton. As Garner helpfully explains in her caption, she was on her way home after a dentist appointment, and the combination of laughing gas, novocaine, and the knowledge that the dentist office staff hadn’t yet seen Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Tony-winning musical was just too much to bear.

Throwback Thursday is hereafter canceled because no post can possibly top the joy and emotion of watching a lisping Jennifer Garner try to convey her love and adoration for a musical about the nation’s first treasury secretary. Take note, “David After Dentist” — you’ve officially been bested.

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