James Corden has an important reminder after Barcelona terror attack

James Corden began The Late Late Show Thursday night by addressing “another appalling tragedy in the world,” the terror attack in Barcelona, Spain.

In light of something so unsettling, Corden offered an important reminder to his audience: “When we hear about London or Paris or Stockholm and now Barcelona, you can almost start to become numb to it, like this is becoming something normal and we don’t need to talk about it here on our show. But we think we mustn’t allow it to become something that’s normal. We must talk about it so we remember how sad, horrific, and tragic these moments are.”

On Thursday, a white van plowed through Barcelona’s Las Ramblas, killing at least 14 people and injuring more than 100 others. Authorities are working on an anti-terror operation under the assumption that the event is connected to two other attacks that occurred in Cambrils and Alcanar.

“To the people of Spain and Barcelona, I just want to add to the rest of the world’s outpouring of love and give our thoughts for you,” Corden said. “We are thinking about the victims and their families right now on what must be an unimaginable day of horror for them. Our job here is to bring a bit of light and levity to the end of your day in a world where it is becoming often too hard to find.”

Corden came through on his promise by bringing the light of Lin-Manuel Miranda and Crosswalk Theater’s latest production, Hair.

Watch his full message to Barcelona in the clip above.

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