Vice Principals stars reveal how growing up in the South shaped them

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The South’s a famously red region, and Hollywood’s a notoriously blue industry — so what happens when they combine?

Vice Principals stars Danny McBride and Walton Goggins both hail from the South and talked about how they reckon with their background in light of the current political climate on Entertainment Weekly: The Show.

“It’s discouraging, obviously,” McBride, who grew up in Virginia, says. “I always kind of felt like when I was in the South I didn’t have generations of lineage in the South so the customs and culture was new to me so I was a spectator in it. The South has a very horrible history, but I do think that there is also a lot of incredible people in the South.”

Goggins, who plays Lee on the show, is also proud of his Atlanta, Georgia, roots. “First and foremost, I’m a proud American,” the actor explains, “but I do think my culture being from the South has informed me and gave me a base in which to go out into the world and continually add words to my definition.”

Watch part of the interview on EW: The Show above to hear more from the actors, and find out if there will be a follow-up to last season’s LSD trip. Vice Principals’ second and final season premieres on HBO Sept. 17 at 11 p.m. ET.

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