Jessica Jones season 2's Trish music video released in full

Hey, hey. I want this cray cray music video.

Fair warning, Jessica Jones fans. Remember that music video Trish Walker (Rachael Taylor) made in her wild and crazy days of celebrity? Marvel released a full version of the clip we saw in season 2. Turns out it’s all refrain, no verse, and repetitive as hell. On the bright side, “I Want Your Cray Cray” includes various pop-ups with the inside scoop on the life of Trish.

For example, did you know both Trish and her momager dated one of the back-up dancers, or that Trish improvised some of her unforgettable moves in the video? Also within this Marvel television universe, there exists a TV show called Crime Hospital and a spin-off, Crime Hospital: Cincinnati — both of which starred another back-up dancer from “I Want Your Cray Cray.”

The video was directed by Maximilian Tatum, the sleazy director you might remember from season 2: Jessica nearly put a fist through his face for what he did to her best friend all those years ago.

“I loved shooting that music video,” series creator Melissa Rosenberg told IndieWire. “It was the worst song ever. The point of it was a play on these Disney stars that have their moments as pop stars and their songs are like ‘I throw my hair,’ like one line. One lyric.”

Watch all the “Cray Cray” goodness above.

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