Tom Arnold explains why his Roseanne return is unlikely

It has to do with his ex-wife and his ex-agent.

Tom Arnold isn't waiting around for his invitation back to Roseanne.

Despite his rocky (at times) relationship with ex-wife Roseanne Barr, the actor and comedian told Howard Stern of another reason why reprising his character Arnie doesn't seem likely.

"I heard the reboot's coming back and I say to my manager to call my agent, John Burnham," Arnold said on The Howard Stern Show. Burnham's "claim to fame at ICM [International Creative Management]," Arnold noted, "was that when Roseanne and I got divorced, he stuck with me."

Believing they were still on "good terms," Arnold asked his manager to reach out to Burnham and say "if they need me, I'll do something in the reboot."

"My manager calls me," he continued, "‘Yeah, so, Roseanne's agent is now John Burnham.' I go, ‘What?!' He did not tell me that." <iframe width="100%" height="300" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay" src=";color=%23ff5500&amp;auto_play=false&amp;hide_related=false&amp;show_comments=true&amp;show_user=true&amp;show_reposts=false&amp;show_teaser=true&amp;visual=true" class="" allowfullscreen="" resize="0" replace_attributes="1" name=""></iframe>

Arnold and Barr have been divorced since 1994, but their interactions since haven't always been cordial. Almost 20 years later, the pair had a public feud on Twitter after Arnold mentioned he was selling his "old wedding videos" to Goodwill. Barr had deleted some of these tweets, but his snapbacks from the ensuing conversation are still live.

Arnold wrote a review of the Roseanne revival in March for The Hollywood Reporter and gave the comeback a glowing response.

"Roseanne has done everything from pulling my hair transplants immediately after surgery to saying I had a 3-inch penis on SNL, so I figure if I can give the show another shot, maybe other people could too," he wrote. "Also, there's Laurie F—ing Metcalf. I can face all kinds of past pain and humiliation with a smile on my face because I know Laurie Metcalf walks this earth."

On the other hand, Arnold mentioned to TMZ that both Barr and ABC "needs to apologize" for some of the conspiracy theories she's been spewing.

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