James Corden pranks David Beckham good with a fake statue reveal

David Beckham wouldn’t have been the first soccer player to get a weird-looking commemorative statue, and James Corden used that to his advantage.

Beckham, 43, was all ready to see the statue LA Galaxy commissioned in his honor for an upcoming ceremony, but the host of The Late Late Show took this opportunity to prank the soccer veteran with a fake statue. This one came out looking far more warped than Cristiano Ronaldo’s.

The prank began when actors posed as annoying fans during a meet and greet. This was followed by the reveal of a sizzle reel of Beckham’s biggest soccer “highs” to be played during the ceremony. As Corden mentioned, his team included a few “lows,” as well.

Then came the main course. Beckham, being as polite as he could under the circumstances, noted that only the hair resembled him in any capacity. The arms were elongated, the eyes were offset, the chin was more than prominent, and the caboose was, frankly, chunky.

It wasn’t until the forklift operator accidentally shattered the statue that Corden revealed himself, but at that point, he got Beckham’s priceless reactions on camera.

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