Ryan Reynolds taps Fyre Festival's Andy King to sell gin

“Can you ever really go too far for your company?”

Ryan Reynolds has a new marketing strategy for his Aviation Gin label, and he’s using Fyre Festival documentary standout Andy King to help pull it off.

King, as anyone who watched Netflix’s Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened knows, was a mentor of the doomed music festival’s co-founder Billy McFarlane and he described in the documentary how he was “fully prepared” to perform oral sex on a Bahamian customs official in order to get the trucks of water they needed into the country. Following his overnight viral stardom with the premiere of the film, King now makes a cameo in Reynolds’ new gin ad.

“How far would you go for your company? It’s a question I ask myself every day,” Reynolds says, and it gets more suggestive from there.

“When Aviation recently suggested making a signature bottle, I committed to blowing every single bottle personally… and then engraving them by hand,” the Deadpool actor adds.

As King says, “He gets it.”

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