James Corden sends Rachel Brosnahan into the MCU with Marvel's Mrs. Maisel

Mildly clever, convoluted puns make the best crossovers. So, James Corden and Rachel Brosnahan turned The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel into The Marvel’s Mrs. Maisel.

In this new bit for The Late Late Show, Brosnahan checks the karat count on the Infinity Gauntlet and uses Captain America’s shield to catch rays instead of villains. “I’m going to the Catskills this weekend and right now my skin is more muted than a Republic housewife,” the Golden Globe and Emmy winner riffed.

Someone green light this Disney+ show stat.

“In the end, we decided this particular chapter in Mrs. Maisel’s story was best left untold,” Brosnahan said. Disney is always looking to expand its MCU in various ways, so we can’t imagine why. At least we’ll still have memories of her mistaking Spider-Man for Dr. David Spiderman from the Upper West Side. Maybe there’s room for Mr. Spiderman in season 4 of Amazon’s Maisel.

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