Justin Theroux's 'not wearing any underpants' in exclusive At Home with Amy Sedaris season 2 photos

01 of 07

At Home with Amy Sedaris season 2 will slay... literally

Phil Caruso/Turner

She lost a goldfish, gained a fleet of potato ships, narrowly escaped snake-based crafting accidents, and killed Neil Patrick Harris across season 1 of At Home with Amy Sedaris. Now, the show's titular star (and leading creative force alongside her Strangers with Candy co-creator Paul Dinello) exclusively tells EW season 2 of the Emmy-nominated home show satire has its sights curiously set on offing another celebrity: Ms. Sedaris herself. "You know who’s on the chopping block? Me!" Sedaris says, likening the structure of the upcoming 10-episode stretch (premiering Tuesday, Feb. 19 at 10:00 p.m. ET on TruTV) to the season 1 closer "Murdercide" and its narrative arc, which deviated from the show's mock-home-show theme for a murder mystery detour starring Michael Shannon. "We used [that episode] as our template for season 2. There’s more story involved. It feels like every episode someone’s trying to kill me, and it’s hilarious. It’s still a variety show. It’s still got the cooking and the crafting, there’s just a little bit more storyline."

See what else Sedaris is cooking up for season 2 in EW's exclusive gallery of images — featuring guest stars like Justin Theroux, Gillian Jacobs, Fred Armisen, and Matthew Broderick — ahead.

02 of 07

Justin Theroux went commando for his season 2 return

Jon Pack /Turner

Among a robust list of guest stars — namely Susan Sarandon, Rose Byrne, Ellie Kemper, and Michael Shannon once again — stopping by for season 2, returning actor Justin Theroux made sure his At Home comeback was a memorable one: "Justin Theroux is in an episode about makeovers; I’m cleaning out my closet and he’s the ghost who’s been living in my closet, so he teaches me how to make curtains for a makeover," Sedaris explains. "He’s wearing something he’s never worn before, which is a big, heavy, wool turtleneck and tight, flared pants.... And he’s not wearing any underpants under his costume. I told him I was going to tell everyone that." (Representatives for Theroux did not respond to EW's requeset for confirmation).

Sedaris adds that Byrne will play a fan who visits the show before her segment quickly descends into Single White Female territory, while Billy Crudup appears for the Halloween special dressed as a doctor (and is, of course solicited for medical advice), Broderick portrays an author who specializes in teenage psychology in an episode about youth, and Campbell Scott plays a French hat designer.

03 of 07

Chassie, Patty Hogg, and the Regional Wine Lady are back (with a peculiar twist to come)

Jon Pack /Turner

Sedaris was so enamored with actor Cole Escola's supporting performance as Amy's coiffed-and-fabulous bubbly neighbor Chassie, he was upped to the writing staff for season 2. That means more Chassie (plus a visit from her family) in each episode, as the actor plays the 1950s-inspired housewife in nine out of 10 episodes on deck, while Patty Hogg — Amy's other nosier, wealthier, fan-favorite neighbor, also played by Sedaris — returns to "take charge a little bit more this season" with her husband Leslie (Matt Malloy) in tow.

Elsewhere, Sedaris reprises her role as the Regional Wine Lady with a potential twist waiting at the bottom of her metaphorical bottle.

"There’s a backstory to her... she's related to someone else on the show! That was going to come out this season, but we decided not to finish that in the episode," Sedaris explains. "Maybe if we do a third season that’ll come out. Look at that, I’m throwing you teasers!"

04 of 07

A blast from the past helps At Home in the future

Phil Caruso/Turner

At Home is already cozily populated with characters played by Sedaris, but she's adding a handful more for season 2. "I’m a big fan of Agnes Moorehead. I loved her in Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte, so in the Halloween episode I play Agnes Moorehead!"

Sedaris will also play Cindy Snipes, a "southern character" who's "super busy" wrangling her children. "It's bad southern, really. I’m from the South so I feel like I’m allowed to do a bad Southern accent," Sedaris adds.

She also says playing so many different characters weighed on her while filming season 2. "There’s one scene where it’s me as Amy, Patty, Nutmeg, and the Agnes Moorehead character," she remembers. "I’m watching it in the edit thinking, why don’t my characters get paid separately? It takes a lot to ask other actors to keep redoing the scene over and over again because I’ve got to play the other side of the scene. I didn’t think of how much work it was going to be to play those multiple characters, but it’s also fun and it’s impressive when you’re watching it!"

05 of 07

A house is not a home without a few walls

Phil Caruso/Turner

New characters aren't the only additions (and omissions) from season 2 of At Home with Amy Sedaris: The "Hits and Misses" segment won't cap every episode like it did in season 1, and Amy won't be shaming her revolving door of assistants in a large capacity either (though a few of them appear on the anniversary special episode). Instead, Sedaris wanted to broaden the look and feel of the show to compliment its expanding narrative breadth.

"Little details changed, and the show looks a lot richer this season. We used more lights and added walls to the set so it feels like you’re in someone’s house. The feel of the show is going to be a little different this season," she says, adding that there will be elaborate new set pieces on top of more outdoor portions. "Chassie does a song where we go into a 1940s radio, so it’s a beautiful radio set. I get locked in my freezer this season and they built a freezer that’s fantastic. I’m a fan of fake food, so it was stocked with frozen chickens, cakes, and fish, like my dream set. We go outside a little bit, and there’s a liquor store set that was built this season."

06 of 07

The glow-up is real

Phil Caruso/Turner

Sedaris has long fused her own personal style with original creations from beloved designers as well as her longtime creative partner Vicki Farrell. This year, Amy's wardrobe gets a glamorous boost from the likes of Commes Des Garçon, Vivienne Westwood, Adam Selman, and a vintage shop called Resurrection in New York City.

"This season I wear a lot of Commes des Garçons and a special Vivienne Westwood dress that really pops. Vicki makes a lot of the clothes, and she built the undergarments like Patty’s bodysuit, and the Agnes Moorehead character…. She found [inspiration for that undergarment] in a child’s craft book that teaches you how to make big butts and boobs. It's made out of pantyhose, birdseed, and elastic.... The makeup’s fun this year, too, [and] my hairstyles are all over the place, so it feels like I'm playing dress up!"

07 of 07

Cheese balls need love, too

Phil Caruso/Turner

"I'm in bed with my cheese ball," Sedaris explains of a standout sketch from season 2, which captures the delightfully weird essence of the At Home's blend of how-to food preparation realness and oddball humor. "It’s one of those sketches that’s really stupid when we were writing it we were like, we’re going to cut this, but then we shot it and it’s just so stupid. It’s like a montage of cheese balls; I’m in bed with my cheese ball and then I get caught with my husband, which is silly."

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