Woody Allen again denies sexual abuse allegations by Dylan Farrow in previously unaired interview

Woody Allen again denied sexual abuse allegations by daughter Dylan Farrow in his first on-camera sit-down interview in nearly 30 years.

"There was no logic on the face of it. Why would a guy who's 57-years-old... I never was accused of anything in my life," the director told Lee Cowan on CBS Sunday Morning in a previously unaired interview currently available to stream on Paramount+.

"I'm suddenly going to drive up in the middle of a contentious custody fight, [to] Mia [Farrow]'s country home, yet," he continued. "A seven-year-old girl... On the surface, I didn't think it required any investigation, even."

Woody Allen
Gari Garaialde/Getty Images

The July 2020 recording was released on the heels of the conclusion of the HBO documentary series Allen v. Farrow, featuring new interviews with Dylan and Mia, as well as the release of a video of Dylan at age seven detailing the alleged abuse, bringing about renewed interest in the case.

In 1993, after a six-month investigation of the allegations, the Child Sexual Abuse Clinic of Yale-New Haven Hospital concluded no sexual abuse took place though his conduct with Dylan was "grossly inappropriate," according to the New York Times. No charges were ever filed against him.

"It's so preposterous," Allen said. "The smear has remained. They still prefer to cling to, if not the notion that I molested Dylan, the possibility that I molested her. Nothing that I ever did in my life can be misconstrued as that."

Adding of Dylan, "I believe she thinks it. She was a good kid and I believe she thinks it. I do not believe she's making it up. I don't believe she's lying. I believe she believes that."

Cowan wraps up the segment by noting Allen wishes he could speak to Dylan, who he said he hasn't spoken to since the allegations.

Allen ends the interview by proclaiming he doesn't care what people think about him.

"To me, it doesn't matter. It doesn't bother me," he said. "Do I care that some guy sitting home or some woman is thinking, 'I don't care what investigators say, I still believe he's a pedophile.' It's as meaningful as the person sitting at home saying, 'I believe him. He's a wonderful guy and he's gotten a raw deal.' That and 15 cents gets me on the subway."

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