
From IndieWeb

Elgg is an open source social networking engine that is IndieWeb friendly. IndieWeb features can be added with the indieweb plugin.

The Elgg project was started in 2004 by Ben Werdmüller and Dave Tosh. It focuses on educational environments, but can be used by any organization/group.

IndieWeb Friendly

2023-12-11: IndieWeb integration for Elgg v1.1.0 plugin released!

  • Webmention: send and receive; send to syndicate content, likes etc via brid.gy
  • microformats: apply microformats2 to your markup for content, images, and more
  • IndieAuth: allow users to login and create accounts with IndieAuth; built-in IndieAuth Authorization and Authentication API; expose endpoints and use external or internal endpoint
  • Micropub: Create, update, and delete content note, article, event, rsvp, reply, like, repost, bookmark, checkin, and issue
  • Microsub: built-in server or use external service; expose a Microsub endpoint, external or internal
  • Feeds: create JF2 feeds
  • Media cache: store images locally for internal webmention and microsub endpoint
  • WebSub: PuSH 0.4 for publishing and subscribing, integrates with Microsub support for feed subscription
  • Contacts: store contacts for Micropub contact query, allowing for autocomplete

Past Versions


2023-08-23: IndieWeb Plugin available for Elgg version 4 and 5 that supports:

according to https://indieweb.social/@elgg/110935788574406956

2023-01-03: Draft plugin available for testing that supports microformats2, Webmention, and Microsub according to https://indieweb.social/@elgg/109627578812796230 inspired by Kristof De Jaeger’s Drupal IndieWeb module.

"#IndieWeb for #Elgg draft is available for testing.

One small step to integrate IndieWeb into Elgg 🚀 via https://pw.wzm.me/wall/v/15787 https://github.com/RiverVanRain/indieweb"

—@elgg January 3, 2023

See Also