Uploads by Tantek.com

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
14:57, 17 May 2024 2024-133-iwc-dus-create-day-9203.jpeg (file) 1.8 MB Photo from Joschi, crop/rot by t 1
14:53, 17 May 2024 2024-133-iwc-dus-create-day-9202.jpeg (file) 2.33 MB Photo from Joschi, crop/rot by t 1
14:53, 17 May 2024 2024-133-iwc-dus-create-day-9201.jpeg (file) 2.26 MB Photo from Joschi, crop/rot by t 1
14:52, 17 May 2024 2024-133-iwc-dus-create-day-9200.jpeg (file) 3.25 MB   1
14:09, 11 May 2024 2024-132-iwc-dus-day-1.jpeg (file) 1.5 MB   1
10:36, 11 May 2024 2024-132-iwc-dus-schedule-grid.jpeg (file) 1.29 MB   2
17:40, 9 May 2024 2024-05-09-11ty-henry-talk-poster.jpeg (file) 212 KB Cleaner edits and crop 2
01:18, 6 May 2024 2024-05-05-macos-x-apple-data-detectors-error.png (file) 44 KB   1
19:06, 26 March 2024 2024-03-26-osu-library-alexander-article-jsdr.png (file) 343 KB   1
21:00, 12 March 2024 2024-073-medium-mobile-modal-timbl.jpeg (file) 331 KB   1
15:23, 4 March 2024 2024-064-slack-ios-linked-@-@.jpeg (file) 205 KB   1
23:49, 9 February 2024 2023-351-1803-el-zarape.jpeg (file) 2.22 MB   1
23:47, 9 February 2024 2023-351-1526-iwcsd-hacking.jpeg (file) 4.38 MB   1
23:44, 9 February 2024 2023-351-1427-iwcsd-magnets.jpeg (file) 3.61 MB   1
23:35, 9 February 2024 2023-351-1213-iwcsd-group.jpeg (file) 1.08 MB   1
23:33, 9 February 2024 2023-350-1426-mugs.jpeg (file) 2.45 MB   1
23:23, 9 February 2024 2023-350-1313-iwcsd-group-v.jpeg (file) 1.99 MB   1
23:11, 9 February 2024 2023-350-1313-iwcsd-group.jpeg (file) 1.41 MB   1
23:01, 9 February 2024 2023-350-0940-take-cake.jpeg (file) 2.81 MB   1
05:29, 23 January 2024 2023-tollwerk-corona-regeln.jpeg (file) 2.36 MB   1
05:35, 8 December 2023 2023-341-threads-meetup-sf.jpeg (file) 1.57 MB   1
12:42, 5 October 2023 2023-10-04-data-potability.jpeg (file) 2.55 MB Data Potability (not a typo) meetup with 6 of us at Red's on Embarcadero, San Francisco, CA 1
07:09, 21 January 2023 2023-01-20-mastodon-follow-success.png (file) 225 KB   1
07:03, 21 January 2023 2023-01-20-mastodon-follow-prompt.png (file) 194 KB   1
07:01, 21 January 2023 2023-01-20-bf-at-at-follow-form.png (file) 25 KB   1
17:17, 13 January 2023 2023-01-13-mastodon-permalink-follow-button.png (file) 133 KB   1
17:07, 13 January 2023 2023-01-13-mastodon-remote-follow.png (file) 1.11 MB   1
22:28, 6 November 2022 2022-11-06-error-database-connection-wp-db-php.png (file) 279 KB   1
15:56, 1 November 2022 2022-10-28-mastodon-tantekcom-profile.png (file) 362 KB Original: https://snarfed.org/tantek_mastodon.png, permission given to upload to wiki in chat: https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2022-10-31#t1667231704907900 1
22:52, 30 October 2022 2022-10-28-mastodon-follow-tantekcom.png (file) 164 KB Screenshot by aaronpk, permission given in chat to upload 1
16:47, 1 August 2022 2022-07-31-twitter-profile-super-follow.png (file) 1.2 MB   1
19:58, 19 July 2022 2022-07-19-11.30.01-w3c-wiki-503.png (file) 300 KB   1
14:27, 8 May 2022 2022-05-08-cz-train-data-limits-info.png (file) 455 KB   1
14:24, 8 May 2022 2022-05-08-cz-train-data-limit.png (file) 399 KB   1
08:08, 1 May 2022 2022-120-iwc-dus-lunch-view.jpeg (file) 1.85 MB   1
00:30, 1 May 2022 2022-120-iwc-dus-pizza.jpeg (file) 1.67 MB   1
22:31, 30 April 2022 2022-120-iwc-dus-stickers.jpeg (file) 1.3 MB   1
22:30, 30 April 2022 2022-120-iwc-dus-morning-eats.jpeg (file) 2.11 MB   1
22:27, 30 April 2022 2022-120-iwc-dus-welcome.jpeg (file) 2.5 MB   1
16:53, 30 April 2022 2022-120-iwc-dus-sign.jpeg (file) 949 KB   1
19:42, 18 April 2022 2022-04-18-12.39.02-w3c-wiki-503.png (file) 228 KB   1
19:27, 18 April 2022 2022-04-18-10.53.54-w3c-join-webauthn-503.png (file) 338 KB   1
03:35, 5 April 2022 2022-04-04-g-featured-snippet-site-deaths.png (file) 1.6 MB   1
20:24, 29 March 2022 w3c-blog-502-on-2022-03-29.png (file) 692 KB   1
20:21, 29 March 2022 w3c-blog-503-on-2022-03-29.png (file) 835 KB   1
21:19, 16 March 2022 2022-03-03-reply-downvote-inline-tip.png (file) 22 KB   1
18:47, 15 March 2022 2022-074-ig-suggested-post-hidden.jpeg (file) 126 KB   1
20:52, 14 January 2022 2022-01-14-internet-archive-down.png (file) 114 KB   1
08:50, 1 December 2021 2021-12-01-twitter-down.png (file) 43 KB   1
19:24, 19 November 2021 2021-315-iwc-dus-lunch.jpeg (file) 1.17 MB   1
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