
Press/Media Inquiries

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Brian C. Anderson Editor, City Journal @BrianAcity
Reade Ben Policy Analyst
Lexi Boccuzzi Policy Analyst @lexiboccuzzi
George J. Borjas Senior Fellow
Charles W. Calomiris Book Fellow, Manhattan Institute; Henry Kaufman Professor of Financial Institutions, Columbia Business School @cwcalomiris
Wai Wah Chin Adjunct Fellow
James R. Copland Senior Fellow | Director, Legal Policy @JamesRCopland
Danny Crichton Fellow @DannyCrichton
Theodore Dalrymple Senior Fellow | Contributing Editor, City Journal
Daniel Di Martino Graduate Fellow @DanielDiMartino
Daniel DiSalvo Senior Fellow @DiSalvoCCNY
Ray Domanico Senior Fellow | Director, Education Policy
Stephen Eide Senior Fellow | Contributing Editor, City Journal @stephendeide
Richard A. Epstein Laurence A. Tisch Professor of Law, New York University; Senior Lecturer, University of Chicago Law School @RichardAEpstein
Joseph Figliolia Policy Analyst
Tal Fortgang Adjunct Fellow
Roland G. Fryer, Jr. John A. Paulson Fellow
Brandon Fuller Vice President, Research & Policy @fuller_brandon
Nicole Stelle Garnett Senior Fellow @nsgarnett
Nicole Gelinas Senior Fellow | Contributing Editor, City Journal @nicolegelinas
Judge Glock Director, Research | Senior Fellow | Contributing Editor, City Journal @judgeglock
Zach Goldberg Fellow @ZachG932
Carolyn D. Gorman Paulson Policy Analyst @CarolynGorman_
Arpit Gupta Adjunct Fellow @arpitrage
Victor Davis Hanson Contributing Editor, City Journal @VDHanson
Michael Hartney Senior Fellow @MichaelTHartney
Gail Heriot Book Fellow | Professor, University of San Diego School of Law | Member, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights @GailHeriot
Stephanie Hessler Adjunct Fellow
Kay S. Hymowitz William E. Simon Fellow | Contributing Editor, City Journal @KayHymowitz
Dan Katz Adjunct Fellow
Eric Kaufmann Adjunct Fellow @epkaufm
John Ketcham Director and Fellow, Cities | Fellow, Legal Policy @JKetcham91
Eric Kober Senior Fellow @eric_kober
Charles Fain Lehman Fellow | Contributing Editor, City Journal @CharlesFLehman
Glenn C. Loury John A. Paulson Fellow, Manhattan Institute
Merton P. Stoltz Professor of Economics, Brown University
Randall Lutter Senior Fellow
Heather Mac Donald Thomas W. Smith Fellow
Contributing Editor, City Journal
Steven Malanga Senior Fellow | Senior Editor, City Journal @cjstevem
Rafael A. Mangual Nick Ohnell Fellow | Contributing Editor, City Journal @Rafa_Mangual
Jim Manzi Senior Fellow
Jordan McGillis Economics Editor, City Journal @jordanmcgillis
E. J. McMahon Adjunct Fellow @EjmEj
James B. Meigs Senior Fellow | Contributing Editor, City Journal @JamesBMeigs
Theo Merkel Senior Fellow @theomerkel
Hannah E. Meyers Fellow | Director, Policing & Public Safety @HannahElka
Judith Miller Adjunct Fellow | Contributing Editor, City Journal @JMFreeSpeech
Stephen Miran Fellow @SteveMiran
Dan Morenoff Adjunct Fellow
Renu Mukherjee Fellow @RenuMukherjee1
James Piereson Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute; President, The William E. Simon Foundation
Chris Pope Senior Fellow @CPopeHC
Kathleen Porter-Magee Adjunct Fellow | Superintendent, Partnership Schools
Brian Riedl Senior Fellow @Brian_Riedl
Jason L. Riley Senior Fellow @jasonrileywsj
Christopher F. Rufo Senior Fellow | Contributing Editor, City Journal @realchrisrufo
Reihan Salam President @reihan
Peter D. Salins Senior Fellow
Leor Sapir Fellow @LeorSapir
Allison Schrager Senior Fellow | Contributing Editor, City Journal @AllisonSchrager
Ilya Shapiro Senior Fellow | Director, Constitutional Studies @ishapiro
Andy Smarick Senior Fellow @smarick
John Tierney Senior Fellow | Contributing Editor, City Journal @JohnTierneyNYC
Robert VerBruggen Fellow @RAVerBruggen
Nick Whitaker Fellow @ns_whit
Noah Williams Adjunct Fellow @Bellmanequation
Marcus A. Winters Senior Fellow @MarcusAWinters
Colin Wright Fellow @SwipeWright