33 Couples Who Met on Bumble All Got Married on the Same Day — Meet 5 of the Newlyweds! (Exclusive)

The wedding-extravaganza took place on June 2 in Las Vegas

Bumble weddings - Kiyra and Matt
Kiyra Lynn and Matt Watts. Photo:


  • Bumble chose 33 engaged couples who met on the app and arranged for back-to-back wedding ceremonies in Las Vegas.
  • PEOPLE chatted with five couples about their love stories, meeting on the app and their next chapters.
  • "It really is a dream come true," bride Lauren Brown-King, 30, tells PEOPLE of the Vegas nuptials. "I don't even think we could have asked for something more."

In a true modern-day love story, 33 couples eloped in Las Vegas with some help from Bumble.

To mark the dating app's 10-year anniversary, 33 couples who met on the dating app were chosen for an all-expenses paid trip to tie the knot at the iconic Little White Chapel — which turned yellow for the day — on June 2 in Las Vegas.

PEOPLE sat down with five of the newlyweds to discuss everything from their first dates, love stories and what's next for their futures.

"The thought of having to put a whole wedding together is very overwhelming," Kiyra Lynn, 37, tells PEOPLE exclusively on the wedding day. "They made this so easy and so simple for us. It's more than I could have asked for."

Lauren Brown-King, 30, adds, "It really is a dream come true. I don't even think we could have asked for something even more."

Meet the five couples below.

Kiyra Lynn and Matt Watts

Q. Did you ever think that your Bumble match would lead to marriage?

Watts: I was new to L.A. and I think was at a point in my life where everything was going well career-wise. I was living where I wanted to live and I was finally starting to date with intention because I was ready to plant roots. I was just waiting for that right person and Bumble was the primary dating app I was using. I wanted to be really selective about who I'm spending my time with and I think we just hit it off from day one.

Lynn: We're a little older and who we spend our time with really makes a difference. So obviously there are certain parameters. For me when I was single, obviously somebody had to be okay with dating a very single mom. My daughter's father passed away when she was five, so it's not like this person's going to be a dad on the weekends. This person is going to be the primary male figure in my daughter's life. So making sure that finding a good match or only going on dates with people that I felt were worthy of stepping into that role for my daughter was very, very important. And I found it. We're here.

Q. Take me back to your first date. What were your first impressions of each other?

Lynn: He was late, he was sweaty and didn't make a reservation. He did everything wrong but we clicked so much on that first date that it didn't matter. We already knew. We had already said to each other, we're definitely going on a second date.

Watts: I was sweating profusely. I think I was sweating because I was running late because I wanted to impress her. I just had the inner monologue running of stop f---ing sweating. And that just made it 10 times worse throughout the whole date. She was beautiful the second I walked in. I was immediately smitten with her and the conversation was just supernatural and it was just carefree. It just felt comfortable. I hadn't felt that connection on a date in a long time.

Q. When did you know you were "the one" for each other?

Watts: I would say the trauma that you've experienced throughout life and [realizing] you have the most positive attitude. You always find joy in life. When that came through, and that was probably a couple dates in of unpacking all of that. It truly [shows] how special you are having gone through those experiences and also really appreciating life and the life of those around you. For me, that was the moment that I found my person.

Lynn: Being single and taking care of your elderly parent... to try to find someone that's... it's going to make me cry, to find somebody that's open for that [is hard]. I come from a Filipino, conservative family. I've been told, "Women in your situation, you're damaged. You're damaged goods. Who's going to want to date you? Taking on such a heavy load." And so I think finding someone that loves my family and loves my daughter as much as he does and shows it and shows up, shows up more than anyone else I've ever had in my life, that's so special.

Lauren Brown-King and Carrington King

Bumble weddings - Lauren and Carrington
Lauren Brown-King and Carrington King.


Q. Did you sign up for Bumble with the hopes it would lead to marriage?

Lauren: I had hoped but I didn't put all my eggs in that basket necessarily. I thought it was really fun, and pre-Carrington, I had been on Bumble off and on. I think Bumble's online dating is naturally frustrating. So you're off and on. I think that was maybe six months before I met Carrington and even still we met during the pandemic. So it was like I had hoped.

Carrington: When I tried Bumble, it was during a pandemic, and at that time when you're stuck in the house staring at your dog. You're like, I want to actually meet somebody even though I can't meet somebody. And I think it gave us a unique experience because one, like you said, was I thinking I was going to marry somebody off of Bumble? No. I was really going into it looking for genuine companionship, a friend and getting to know a person. And I think that's why I found success is because I didn't go into it looking for something in particular. Lauren is like the rarest person you'll ever meet. As much love as she gives to the world, I felt like she deserved it too. So I was just like, I wanted to see her loved the correct way. The only way I can make sure that happens is I have to be the one.

Q. How did your relationship evolve?

Lauren: Our first family date was at the zoo here in Houston. We met at the zoo and my son was kind of like, 'Who's this guy? He's just kind of standoff-ish.' He was giving him a hard time but Carrington won him over. And then at the end of the day, Adrian, my son, was like, "Bye dad, I love you. I'll see you later." I feel like that's the moment I knew. We were only four months into dating and I was like, "You're it." I knew he was it.

Carrington: The same was for me. It was the zoo date, but even more just the way she hit it off so well with my mother when she met my mother. My mother means the world to me and I'm a mama's boy. So when I introduced her to my mother and my mother looked at me when Lauren went to the restroom and she was like, 'Yeah, I like her. She's the one.' It helped reassure all my feelings because my mother, as much as they want to say I was a bachelor or whatever they want to say, my mother had never met anybody before Lauren. So introducing somebody to my mother was the last step of the game.

Q. What do you love most about your life together now?

Lauren: I would say one of the things I fell in love with the most about Carrington is that it truly is always an adventure. We can make fun out of anything and everything. Even when we've gone through hills and valleys. It hasn't always been perfect. We've gone through hard times together. We've lost loved ones and he still will do everything he can to make life is an adventure.

Carrington: I would say the same. We never have a dull moment. I love that I can be the goofy, silly side that only few people see. If you guys see me at home with her, you guys would probably be like, I know this 6'3 big dude ain't over here dancing silly in the living room. But with us together, we could just be ourselves. I think that's one of the things I love the most, the corny jokes I tell her. I can't wait to come home to tell her the most corniest joke in the world, and she's going to actually laugh,

Allyson Hite and Malori Carr

Bumble weddings - Allyson and Malori
Allyson Hite and Malori Carr.


Q. What were you looking for when you signed up for Bumble?

Carr: I was definitely just looking for something temporary. It was 2018, so I was a bit younger. I was traveling a lot for work, and no, I would not have thought it would have led to marriage. But I will say from our first time connecting [in person], it was an instant connection. I couldn't get her out of my mind. There was a little bit of a hiatus for us, not dating, and on New Year's one year I ended up reaching out again, and the rest is history.

Hite: I definitely pictured marriage for myself, but like she said, we matched in 2018. Back then it was like, if you met on a dating app, you would be like, "Oh, we met through mutual friends" or something. It was a shameful thing. We ran in plenty of the same circles but had never met one another, but at that time it was just, that's not what dating apps were known for.

Q. Malori, what made you reach back out after several months of not talking?

Carr: I was at a party and I kept thinking about her. It had been, like she said, a year since we had spoken and there was the New Year's holiday feels. I probably had a couple of vinos that evening and it wasn't that I was reaching out to her to hook up or anything. It was more the conversation that I missed. I had had trouble getting her out of my mind. That second time that we actually met up for our second first date, she can tell you I was a sweaty mess. I was so nervous that she wouldn't want to see me again or that this was a lost cause. And I was like, 'So you want to do this again?'

Q: What's next for your future together?

Carr: I'm excited to continue to support each other in our jobs and just integrating ourselves into each other's families. This has already been happening over the last five years, but my family hasn't been completely on board with our togetherness or me with a woman in general. I feel like we're slowly making some positive change to open their hearts and their minds to the idea that we're people just like they're people. We love, just like they love.

Hite: We have grown a lot in our, so officially if you count from the second time that we got together, we've been together just over four years. We've grown a ton during that time. We both have had career changes. I am feeling more stable now and very secure, of course, in our relationship. It's exciting to feel that stable foundation so that we can continue growing and continue learning more about ourselves and the way that we view the world. Also using our privilege in the world to give back to others and to be a visible queer couple for Maloris from a small town in east Texas. She didn't have any queer role models, and so being able to potentially be that queer role model for that other queer girl in east Texas is a really exciting thing.

Andres Ocon and Paula Rey

Bumble weddings
Andres Ocon and Paula Rey.


Q. What was your attitude toward dating when you first matched on the dating app?

Rey: I had just arrived to the U.S. [from Colombia] because I was here to study English for six months. This was the plan. So I downloaded Bumble just because I felt alone. I wanted friends. I wanted friends close to me. So I use Bumble. When I met Andres, I used to live in Santa Barbara and now I live in L.A., So the first time we matched, I saw L.A., and for me it was like, "No, I want friends here."

Ocon: These past few years especially, I've been trying to be very intentional. So that was my goal overall. Maybe a few years ago I would've said, "No, I'm probably not expecting to find my wife." This time around, I wasn't looking for it, but I was hoping for it. In the very back of my mind, you always have that thought that maybe, and after dating some people over the past few years, I knew that strong connection wasn't really there. But when Paula and I met, I was like, this is very different. It was great.

Q: How was the first date?

Rey: The first time I saw Andres, I remember his eyes because it was a really sunny day in August. It was [also] so funny because I had an air fryer in my hand, like, "Hey!" He laughed a lot. But I remember his face. I remember he shined because of the sun in his face. It was really funny. I loved that date.

Ocon: She was staying in Santa Barbara. She had just moved there a few months earlier and so when I connected, I was in L.A. and I'm like, I don't really like long distance relationships. Even in L.A., if someone's just more than 10 miles away, that's too far from me with traffic. But she and I had been chatting for a little bit and we really connected. So we met at this wine bar in Santa Barbara and we decided to meet up there around 2:00 PM and she told me she was running a little bit late. I was like, 'No problem."'She was like, 'I just picked up an air fryer because I've been needing one for my apartment.' We both laughed about it and we put in my car just to store it away. And then we just spent the next three hours just really enjoying ourselves, meeting each other. It was supposed to be just an afternoon date but it was a beautiful whole day.

Q: How did you know you wanted to spend forever together?

Rey: Everything was really fast for me because two weeks after I remember thinking, 'I really like this. Yes, I really like this man.' The first time I realized that was when we were at the beach in Santa Barbara. I [realized] I can stay with you in silence and feel really peaceful. It's perfect. I want this for rest of my life.

Ocon: I think it was just the fact that we were talking every day, which was new for me because when I get to know someone, when I'm dating someone, I really want to know a lot about them. But I also really value my personal space and being kind of independent and maybe texting here and there throughout the day. But she and I were having conversations regularly and I wanted to talk to her more and learn more about her. That was sort of the differences. After a few weeks after we first met, I realized I really want a lot of time with her. And so for me, I don't know if there was one specific moment. But I did remember at one point knowing.

Tori Ham and Tucker Taylor

Tori and Tucker Bumble weddings
Tori Ham and Tucker Taylor.


Q. What made you want to sign up for the dating app when you did?

Taylor: The overarching goal was let me try to find someone to settle down with, but there are steps to take before that point. I was working in incremental short-term goals of, if I reach this goal, if I find someone who I mesh with, I'll try to keep dating them and it just keeps going forward until I am shopping for a ring. 

Ham: I had already been living in New York at the time and I was dating around New York and didn't have much luck, and we actually matched each other in Florida when I was at home visiting my parents for the week. I wanted to find someone to settle down with and I was hopeful that I would start dating someone I would have those feelings towards. 

Q. You two were in the same preschool and Bumble brought you back together. What was it like reconnecting for the first time in person after all those years?

Taylor: It was like, I mesh really well with this person. She seems pretty cool. She seems pretty funny. I'm very into her, so I'd like to learn more about her. That's kind of the stance that I was taking. 

Ham: I think for me, so we matched the last day I was visiting my parents and we set up a really last- minute date. It was my last night and I flew home back to New York the next morning. So I was like, 'Man, I had a really great time, but I live a thousand miles away.' I'm like, 'How will this ever work?' I would love for it to work, but I just was like, 'How will it ever work?' And it ended up working.

Q: What do you love most about your life together now?

Taylor: I love all the small moments. I will just be hanging out on my computer or she'll be working on a project. She does a lot of sewing, a lot of crocheting and stuff like that. I just like the quiet little moments in day to day for me. 

Ham: I just love everything. I love that we just really get each other and we're here for each other and I can come home after working a 14 hour shift and dinner will be ready for me. Or he'll just be like, 'What do you want? What can I get for you?' I love how much Tucker loves me and I love him. 

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