Playbill Horoscopes Sun's Out, Horoscopes' Out! Which Summer Showtune Aligns With Your Zodiac in June?

With significant planetary movements this month, will June be filled with romance, travel, or work for you?

Some like it hot and that ain’t bad! From friendships to finances, find out which summer showtune matches your vibe this month!

♊️ Gemini ♊️

(May 21 – June 20)
“Some Like It Hot” from Some Like It Hot
Romance is June’s theme for you, Gemini! With planets transiting your solar first house, the alignment of the New Moon and Jupiter in Gemini makes for a good company with Venus. All of these planets sitting in your sun sign mean you’re feeling yourself and your confidence is the highest it’s been this year. If you’re single, take a chance on that special someone you’ve had an eye on. If you’re in a relationship, visit your favorite recreational spot or take a mini-vacation. Additionally, work and financial transactions will move smoothly this month. If you’ve been planning to negotiate a raise or work out a deal, now is the time! The only thing to look out for this month is the Capricorn Full Moon towards the end of the month, as this opposes all of the other aligned planets, meaning that plans and books could fall through if not double-checked.

♋️ Cancer ♋️

(June 21 – July 22)
“I Never Want To Go Home Again” from Gigi
Cancer, you’re dying to travel this June! Your sense of wanderlust could be putting your head in the clouds and distracting you from important tasks this month. At the start of the month, the New Moon in Gemini in your 12th house will make you a little reclusive as upcoming business decisions and finalizing travel plans weigh heavily on your mind. Around June 1, schedule time with your higher-ups to discuss prospects for making an internal job change or a salary increase. These conversations are not to be feared at this time but embraced as the results will most likely go in your favor. With that weight off your shoulders after the first week of June, your leisure and travel plans will fall into place for a later point in the month.

♌️ Leo ♌️

(July 23 – August 22)
"Thank You For the Music” from Mamma Mia!
You’re looking for a bigger purpose this month, Leo. With the Gemini New Moon in the first half of the month, you’ll turn to altruistic fulfillment. Whether this is monetarily donating to a charity, volunteering your time and skills, or purging your closet for a donation you’ll want to look beyond yourself. Outside of that, this month will be extremely collaborative for you. Turn to colleagues to partner on work projects with or do something with friends that you’ve always wanted to do. Staying at home will not serve you this month as it has in the past. Jupiter’s entry into Gemini in your 11th house will highlight important personal goals but can be achieved through collaboration and communication.

♍️ Virgo ♍️

(August 23 – September 22)
“Summertime” from Porgy and Bess
Virgo, with Jupiter in Gemini transiting your 10th house of career, your work will be at the forefront of your mind once again. As Venus in Gemini joins Jupiter, Mercury, and the Sun, you’ll be handed the perfect opportunity to ask for a salary increase and career advancement. Because of this, you’ll feel more rewarded and recognized at work, improving your confidence and boosting your productivity even more. Outside of the praise at your job, expect family members and close friends from out of town to drop by this month. Given your good spirits, you’ll be excited to show off. Treat them to a nice dinner or an evening out, not only will this make them feel special but you’ll be accomplished in your achievements that allow you to do this.

♎️ Libra ♎️

(September 23 – October 22)
“A Summer in Ohio” from The Last Five Years
June is a bit of a roller coaster for you this month, Libra. With Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, and the New Moon all in Gemini, your mind and emotions are all over the place. During some parts of the month you’ll want to travel and escape the mundane. For other parts, you’ll crave stability and routine. You want to spend time with friends and then you’ll want to keep to yourself. This up-and-down energy can be exhausting, so take the time to rest and reflect. Listen to your body and do not be tempted to do something you do not want to do. Because of this wavering energy, now is not the time to make big financial decisions or purchases. Wait until the end of the month when the energy starts to even out to think about those again.

♏️ Scorpio ♏️

(October 23 – November 21)
"A Weekend in the Country" from A Little Night Music
Scorpio, as major planets enter Gemini in your eighth house of income, expect to see a surprising boost to your bank account! This monetary surprise could come in many forms - a bonus at work, a salary bump, a family member sending you a check, or even a small lottery win! Even though it’s summer, work is on your mind now more than ever. Meet with new members of your work team and collaborate with colleagues on new projects. These efforts will not go unrecognized as these new relationships could support you in future work and higher-ups will acknowledge the work you’re doing. This praise could be a contributing factor to that financial boost mentioned earlier!

♐️ Sagittarius ♐️

(November 22 – December 21)
“If Ever I Would Leave You” from Camelot
June is a flirty month for you, Sagittarius! When the Gemini New Moon lines up with Jupiter in your solar seventh house of partnership, you’ll be more focused than ever this year on romance (or at least a summer fling). With Pluto in Aquarius in your third house of communication, you’ll be charming and charismatic, further making you positively attractive to others. Because communication is a strong suit for you in June, use words to woo someone you have your eyes on. This can be in subtle ways like long coffee dates or late night phone calls, as well as writing your feelings down for the other person.

♑️ Capricorn ♑️

(December 22 – January 19)
"96,000” from In The Heights
With a heavy emphasis on planets in Gemini in your solar sixth house this month, you’ll fall in love with your career all over again. This is good news as the New Moon in Gemini is a strong indication of a promotion or job offer in the near future. Work will keep you tied to your desk with travel plans having to wait a bit, but you don’t mind. Enjoy networking and collaborating with other professionals in your field this month. With this positive energy around your career, your finances will fall into place as well, leaving you quite pleased with the state of your checkbook.

♒️ Aquarius ♒️

(January 20 – February 18)
“In Summer” from Frozen
Aquarius, Jupiter’s recent entry into Gemini in your fifth house marks an anniversary and shift of some sorts. Whether this is a work anniversary that could indicate a time to move on or a relationship that is no longer working, now is the time to let it go! It’s been 12 years since this planet spent time here improving conditions in your social life with people. Let this milestone be a time of change for you. Seek out new adventures and people, embrace romance should it come your way, or make travel plans with friends.

♓️ Pisces ♓️

(February 19 – March 20)
“A House Is Not a Home” from Promises, Promises
It may be hot outside, but that’s not the reason you’re staying indoors, Pisces. With Jupiter in Gemini transiting your solar fourth house of home, your household will be your primary focus this month. This can mean getting your house pristine or starting a renovation you’ve been waiting to do. You’ll find this to be handy as relatives and friends from out of town may pop by for a surprise visit. With Saturn in Pisces going retrograde in your first house you’ll see that your hard work has led to a small bump in your finances, therefore giving you the space to take a break and relax.

♈️ Aries ♈️

(March 21 – April 19)
“One Particular Harbour” from Escape to Margaritaville
Aries, with the New Moon in Gemini in your solar third house of communication, you’ll find yourself being a social butterfly this June. You’re feeling light and spirited as the summer creeps in. You’ll become enthusiastic about community affairs (and gossip), social invitations, and travel. Your job may even take you to new locations this month! Take this time to reconnect with siblings and parents in a casual setting like a family reunion or game night. Work is looking up for you as well as Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces in your 12th house indicating a time of transformation. Because of this, towards the end of the month, you’ll get a chance to rethink a work project or polish up an existing one.

♉️ Taurus ♉️

(April 20 – May 20)
“The Boys” from Big River
Multiple planets—Mercury, Venus, Jupiter (and the New Moon)—all lining up in Gemini means your energy is hospitable and friendly. With this newfound energy, you’ll be turning to activities with friends outdoors and in the comfort of your own home. June is the perfect month to plan a picnic or BBQ with friends or hang out on the couch for a late-night movie marathon. This will not only nourish your spirit, but friends will be excited and enthusiastic to see this side of you. Between work and friends, June is optimistic for you, but make sure you’re making time for everything. Saturn turning retrograde in Pisces in your 11th house of friendship could indicate a disagreement with a close friend or family member that you perceive as a friend (a cousin close to your age, etc.).

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