donald trump
WASHINGTON July 18, 2024
At a private lunch just outside of the R.N.C., longtime Trump pollster Tony Fabrizio confidently expounded on the campaign’s view that it has myriad—and growing—paths to 270 electoral votes: “We literally stopped counting at 25.”
jd vance
WASHINGTON July 17, 2024
An insider conversation with G.O.P. turned #NeverTrump strategist Stuart Stevens and The Bulwark’s Tim Miller about the foibles and pitfalls of J.D. Vance as Trump’s running mate, the opening of the Republican convention, and the ongoing existential drama in Bidenworld.
donald trump assassination attempt
WASHINGTON July 14, 2024
In Milwaukee this week, a Republican Party that already saw Donald Trump as a righteous victim even before he dodged an assassin’s bullet will hail him as more than a martyr: as a bona fide hero, a literally bloodied warrior, maybe even a messiah. But many Democrats fear that Trump’s brush with death will make him something else: a landslide winner in November.
joe biden family - hunter, jill
WASHINGTON July 8, 2024
He may have already lost the backing of Democrats on Capitol Hill and in the donor class. But in the face of Joe Biden’s go-for-broke, damn-the-torpedoes embrace of sheer defiance—along with denial, delusion, and desperation—as a strategy for survival, will being abandoned by his own party be enough to make him quit the race?

joe biden debate
WASHINGTON July 1, 2024
Biden may find the next 10 days to two weeks even more challenging than even the past 72 hours. As the polling numbers stream in, Democratic elected officials and fundraisers are inclined not to give the president or his team the slightest margin for error or benefit of the doubt. To say they have lost faith would be putting it far too mildly.
Jen O’Malley Dillon
WASHINGTON June 23, 2024
A rare and candid conversation with Jen O’Malley Dillon, chair of the Biden reelection campaign, on the Democratic bed-wetters, the “six in six” strategy, North Carolina, why 2024 isn’t 2020 all over again, and much more.
donald trump veepstakes
WASHINGTON June 16, 2024
Running mates don’t matter to the outcomes of elections and they’re generally ignored (or worse) by their bosses once in office. And given what happened to Trump’s last running mate, the willingness to be his V.P. is, by definition, disqualifying for holding the job—and arguably a sign of mental illness. So why do we give a crap who he picks?
joe biden
WASHINGTON June 9, 2024
The apparent sanguinity of Bidenworld in the face of an allegedly damning portrait of the president’s “slipping” mental faculties has the punditocracy wondering whether Wilmington is experiencing its own sort of delusion. But the hyperbolic response begs the question: Isn’t Biden’s age already fully priced in?

trump trial
WASHINGTON June 2, 2024
And, well, you know the rest. But while the verdict in the New York hush-money case was sweeping and unequivocal, the electoral impact of the former president’s 34 felony convictions is far less clear—even and especially to the Biden and Trump campaigns.
robert f kennedy jr rfk jr
WASHINGTON May 27, 2024
A close look at Donald Trump and R.F.K. Jr.’s cringe-inducing, partly hilarious, and ultimately failed forays into Libertarian Land.
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