
Welcome to the help center for Search Ads 360, a platform for managing search marketing campaigns.  While the help center is available to the public, access to the Search Ads 360 product is available only to subscribing customers who are signed in. To subscribe or find out more, contact our sales team.

Create a specific type of bid strategy

Keyword position bid strategies not supported for Microsoft Advertising

Beginning July 15, 2020, you won't be able to apply a Search Ads 360 bid strategy that targets a keyword position range (also referred to as ad position or average position) to Microsoft Advertising campaigns. This change prepares Search Ads 360 for the sunset of the average position metric in Microsoft Advertising.

Instead, create and apply a Search Ads 360 impression share bid strategy to Microsoft Advertising campaigns to automate targeting a specific impression share at a selected ad location on the search results page.

Complete these steps before July 15, 2020

Before support ends, we recommend that you complete the following steps to specify your own targets at the outset and to avoid automatic migration of Microsoft Advertising campaigns from keyword position bid strategies to impression share bid strategies.

  1. Analyze the performance of each Search Ads 360 keyword position bid strategy to identify the ad position targets of your Microsoft Advertising campaigns that are managed by the bid strategies.
  2. Move your Microsoft Advertising campaigns from keyword position bid strategies to impression share bid strategies.

    Before applying an impression share bid strategy to Microsoft Advertising campaigns, you should verify that the campaign's ad groups and keywords are inheriting the bid strategy from the campaign.

    To see the bid strategy membership for campaigns, ad groups, or keywords, add the Bid Strategy column to a report. The icon will indicate the bid strategies that have been inherited from a higher level (for example, the icon will appear for a keyword if its bid strategy membership has been inherited from the ad group).

    If a different bid strategy is applied to the items, they will be removed from that bid strategy when the impression share bid strategy is applied to the campaign. That is, the ad groups and keywords will automatically inherit the impression share bid strategy that is applied to the campaign and the items will be removed from other bid strategies. Note that if a significant number of items are removed from a bid strategy, its performance could be impacted.

On July 15, 2020, Search Ads 360 will begin migrating your Microsoft Advertising campaigns that are managed by keyword position bid strategies to impression share bid strategies, when possible. If the campaigns can't be migrated to an impression share bid strategy, Search Ads 360 will still remove the Microsoft Advertising campaigns from the keyword position bid strategy.

New and existing Search Ads 360 keyword position bid strategies will continue to optimize bidding for Baidu.

Analyze keyword position bid strategies to identify targets

  1. Navigate to an advertiser.

    Steps for navigating to an advertiser
    1. Click the navigation bar to display navigation options.

    2. In the "Agency" list, click on the agency that contains the advertiser. You can search for an agency by name or scroll through the list.

    3. In the "Advertiser" list, click on the advertiser.

    4. Click Apply or press the Enter key.

    Search Ads 360 displays the advertiser page, which contains data for all of the advertiser’s engine accounts.

  2. In the left navigation panel, click Bid strategies.

  3. Click the Bid strategies tab.

  4. Select a date range that includes the past 14 days or more.
    Don't select the "Include today" checkbox.
  5. Optional. Filter the bid strategy report to include only bid strategies that target keyword position.
    1. Above the performance summary graph, click Filter.
    2. Click + Attribute or metric.
    3. Select Goal from the list.
    4. Click the arrow next to "7 selected", and then clear the list.
    5. Select the Keyword position checkbox, and then click OK.
    6. Click Apply filters.
  6. Select a keyword position bid strategy.
  7. Click the Campaigns tab.
  8. Filter the report to include only Microsoft Advertising campaigns.
    • In the filter, select the Engine attribute and then select the Microsoft Advertising checkbox.
  9. Review the impression share columns in the report to determine targets for an impression share bid strategy and which Microsoft Advertising campaigns to include in the bid strategy. 

    The next section provides more information about these columns and suggests how to map them to keyword position ranges.

Review impression share metrics in the bid strategy report

A bid strategy report now includes impression share metrics to help you better understand where your ads appear on a search results page.

Metric  Description
Impr share (abs top) %   Identifies the number of times your ads appeared at the very top of the search results page.
Impr share (top) % Identifies the number of times your ads appeared at the top of the search results page.
Search impr share Identifies the times your ads appeared on the search results page.


Use the metrics to identify the impression share you should target. A Search Ads 360 impression share bid strategy will adjust bids to target a specified impression share. For example, if your ads have a 65% top of the page impression share, the bid strategy will bid to continue to achieve that ad prominence.

The following table lists the suggested correlation between keyword position targets and impression share targets. If a keyword position bid strategy targeted positions 1.0 to to 1.1, the recommendation is that you create a bid strategy to target an absolute top of page impression share.


Keyword position bid strategy target range Impression share bid strategy ad position target Corresponding ad position column
1.0 to 1.1 Absolute top of page Impr share (abs top) %
1.2 to 2.0  Top of page Impr share (top) %
> 2.1  Anywhere on page Search impr share


Note which Microsoft Advertising campaigns in the keyword position bid strategy match the ad position targets.

Optionally, you can label each Microsoft Advertising campaign in the keyword position bid strategy to identify impression share target of the campaign. For example, label campaigns that you want to target the top position, "Top_pos_25".

You can use the labels to search for the campaigns and check whether other bid strategies are applied to the campaigns, ad groups, and biddable items. Then you can apply the appropriate impression share bid strategy to the group of campaigns.

The steps that follow describe how you can apply an impression share bid strategy to a group of Microsoft Advertising campaigns.

Move Microsoft Advertising campaigns to an impression share bid strategy

There are several ways to apply a bid strategy to campaigns. The following steps list one of your options.

First, create an impression share bid strategy to move the campaigns to.
  1. Navigate to a keyword position bid strategy that manages bidding in the Microsoft Advertising campaigns that you will move.
  2. Click the Campaigns tab.
  3. Select the checkboxes of the Microsoft Advertising campaigns.
  4. Click Edit, and then click Change bid strategy.
  5. Click the arrow next to "Select a bid strategy" to display the list.
  6. Select the impression share bid strategy.
  7. Click Save to apply the change immediately or schedule the change to occur at a specific time.

Analyze performance of new impression share bid strategies

Like any other Search Ads 360 bid strategy, impression share bid strategies also need time to learn and adjust bids to achieve your goals. About 7 days after you apply the bid strategy to Microsoft Advertising campaigns, evaluate the performance of each new impression share bid strategy and review the metrics in these impression share columns:

In the interim, you should also periodically check in to verify that the bid strategy is on target.

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