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Author; Board member @HonestReporting; wrote @NGOmonitor rebuttals debunking HRW & Amnesty "apartheid" reports; articles in Tablet, Fathom Journal etc.
Mark Za'k 🍁✡️ Profile picture Albany Parker Profile picture CBStrike27 Profile picture fche Profile picture Stepan Spinka Profile picture 18 subscribed
Jul 19 6 tweets 2 min read
🧵CRITICAL: ICJ advisory opinion DOES NOT assert Gaza is "occupied" by Israel. Contrary to media reports actual language of ICJ opinion does not state that Israel occupies Gaza. Opinion supports claim that a "physical presence" is required for an actual "occupation." Analysis: 1/Image Clause 92 discusses the concept of a “physical presence” required for an occupation. ICJ asserts that Israel “may still bear obligations under the law of occupation” due to certain authority over Gaza – but not that Gaza is therefore “occupied.” 2/ Image
Jul 18 12 tweets 5 min read
🧵@hrw issued token report after 9 months regurgitating Hamas crimes on 10/7; still charges Israel with war crimes in same report. HRW does not deny rape but will not confirm, cannot "corroborate." Other than 10/7 Hamas gets free pass. Do not legitimize this report. Analysis: 1/Image HRW makes sure to temper criticism of Hamas with section “Aftermath of the Assault” to describe only Israeli action post 10/7 as criminal. Message: Hamas did bad things but Israel is far worse. Aftermath section absolves Hamas actions post 10/7, only this one day is covered. 2/Image
Jul 15 4 tweets 2 min read
🧵Important @nytimes piece (see link below) on what we all know: systematic & massive use by Hamas of civilian Gaza as its core war doctrine. Civilian deaths in Gaza are a result of how Hamas conducts the war, not Israel. These Hamas war crimes are covered in article: 1/Image Senior Hamas official admits to these crimes, asserting that even if weapons are stored in beds in civilian homes, it does not justify Israeli action. He believes Hamas should be able to kill Israelis with impunity and then enjoy permanent immunity by hiding among civilians. 2/Image
Jul 10 11 tweets 4 min read
🧵Jewish history denialism is a common form of antisemitism like this post claiming Ashkenazi Jews are Khazars. This is similar to Jewish temple denialism common in Palestinian society. Thread shows how Muslim scholars throughout history in fact acknowledged Jewish history. 1/Image A recent and ugly example of this type of Jewish history denialism came from Pal leader Mahmoud Abbas in May 2023 during the UN commemoration of the Nakba. From Khazars to Jews "did not find anything" the goal is the same: to erase the Jewish connection to the Holy Land. 2/Image
Jul 9 9 tweets 4 min read
🧵@TheLancet letter ridiculously claiming Gaza fatalities could be as high as 186,000 due to “indirect deaths” has key fatal flaw: Hamas casualty numbers already include indirect deaths! Authors double count deaths with multiplier. Here is Part II debuking fraudulent letter: 1/Image Premise of article: conflicts lead to non-combat deaths, based on prior wars (e.g. Sudan, Congo) a 4:1 ratio of indirect to direct deaths is “not implausible” so 37,400 reported Gaza deathsx5 = ~186,000. But authors do not adjust 37,400 that already includes indirect deaths! 2/Image
Jul 8 15 tweets 6 min read
🧵Widely cited letter in @lancet ridiculously implies total Gaza fatalities could be 186,000. Close review shows this short piece is based on junk research citing unreliable sources, gross misrepresentations, errors & omissions. This is a bad look for Lancet. Analysis: 1/Image Piece starts by citing Hamas number of 37,396 fatalities citing UN OCHA – but negligently omitting that OCHA takes these numbers from Hamas. To back this number authors claim the figures are “accepted as accurate by Israeli intelligence services” – but this claim is false. 2/Image
Jul 2 12 tweets 5 min read
🧵+972 Magazine is a propaganda group spreading lies about Israel’s war conduct, under cover of “independent journalism.” Its fake news gets cited by main stream media as reliable, even the ICJ "genocide" filing cited its work. Here is a sample of recent key lies & omissions: 1/Image Recent 972 article cited by NY Times columnist claims horrors at Israeli detention center based on lawyer who spoke to Palestinian prisoner who says he saw bad things, such as soldiers sending dogs to sexually assault prisoners. This alone invalidates entire article and +972. 2/Image
Jun 28 8 tweets 3 min read
🧵GAZA CASUALTY UPDATE: Hamas claims 37,400 fatalities but only 27,700 identified. IDF killed ~17,000 combatants; civilian/combatant ratio 1:1. Chart below summarizes key estimated fatality stats. Also: Hamas lists 12 people named Mohammed or Mahmoud as female. Key analysis: 1/Image First, a review of "identified" fatalities from Apr 30 list (last one provided by Hamas) with first name Mohammed or Mahmoud reveals 12 are listed as female. Analysis not conducted for every male name. Just another of many fatal flaws in Hamas' list of identified fatalities. 2/Image
Jun 26 6 tweets 3 min read
🧵IPC June report admits no famine in Gaza now or ever. Libel of “intentional starvation” & “starvation as method of war” are debunked. Mortality rate always proved it was a lie; famine would mean at least 20,000 deaths from hunger but only ~30 claimed by Hamas. Analysis: 1/Image IPC admits mortality excluding deaths “caused by violence” confirmed “no evidence... Famine thresholds for mortality had been breached.” So claims of “genocide” due to “intentional starvation” fully contradicted by IPC, which should bolster case against bogus ICJ filing. 2/Image
Jun 24 10 tweets 4 min read
🧵Israel issued response to UN report claiming 6 IDF incidents “may” have violated int’l law. This little noticed response is excellent rebuttal for all claims of war crimes. Israel also for first time identifies by name combatants included in Hamas casualty lists. Analysis: 1/Image Israel demolishes UN claims several ways. First it notes UN relied entirely on media reports & public information, that inside information for details of military attacks cannot be revealed in middle of war. This is the fatal flaw of all NGO, media & UN claims of war crimes. 2/Image
Jun 20 20 tweets 9 min read
🧵Thread by @LeeMordechai has 4mm views. He engages in rape inversion, omitting and doubting Hamas rape but supporting claim of IDF rape of Gazans pushed by pro-Hamas NGO. His vile report has 100s of lies, errors & omissions. Part II exposing dishonesty of @HebrewU professor: 1/Image Mordechai writes word “rape” 9 times, 2 support denial of Hamas rape. Other mentions of rape are claims IDF raped Pals. He does not mention Hamas rape in his short section on 10/7. Mordechai does not say it directly, but the choices in his report show he denies Hamas rape. 2/Image
Jun 19 23 tweets 10 min read
🧵Thread by @LeeMordechai has 3.4mm views but is filled with 100s of lies, errors, misrepresentations and importantly, omissions. It’s a mash up of every NGO, UN & media report claiming Israeli evil and absolves Hamas of wrongdoing. Let's examine the intellectual dishonesty: 1/Image Very early Mordechai reveals he is writing propaganda claiming for "context" that Gaza “is one of most densely populated areas on planet” even though Tel Aviv is ~50% denser. He compares to NYC but fails to realize NYC is 2x dense as Gaza. So we know where this is going. 2/Image
Jun 18 7 tweets 3 min read
🧵Israel treated 14,900 Gazans in its hospitals in 2023 prior to 10/7. On the same day Hamas took hostages into Shifa hospital 100s of Gazans were in Israeli hospitals. Gaza genocide libel is debunked simply by the extent of Israeli assistance to Gazan patients. Full detail: 1/7Image UN data shows from Jan-Sep 2023 14,900 Gazans entered Israeli hospitals, 55/day. 14,100 in 2022, 9,000 in 2021, 6,000 in 2020 (COVID dropoff), 17,500 in 2019, etc. This has been going on for years. Image below shows hostage taken into Shifa hospital. 2/
Jun 17 11 tweets 5 min read
🧵STARVATION IN GAZA has been a lie since day one, promoted by UN and NGOs to pressure Israel to end its war on Hamas. Even IPC issued a report concluding famine was not plausible, yet media still pushes this narrative. 10 items of evidence that debunk Gaza starvation: 1/Image 1. IPC published review Jun 4 concluding famine was not "plausible" with no "supporting evidence." IPC is partnership of NGOs & UN bodies that assess global food security and was main source of famine claim. Media predictably totally ignored report. H/T @MarkZlochin @AviBittMDImage
Jun 13 22 tweets 8 min read
🧵UN HRC issued a report about Israel’s actions in Gaza. It’s Orwellian, filled with lies, misrepresentations & omissions (especially) that absolve Hamas of all fault and demonizes Israel as harming Gazans for no reason. The "report" is 126-pages of blood libel. Analysis: 1/Image Most shocking & libelous claim: With no evidence or references UN "experts" claim that an Israeli national emasculation due to “allegations” of sexual violence on 10/7 led to IDF "aggression" & “sexual violence” on Gazans. UN has sunk to new lows with hateful pop psychology. 2/Image
Jun 12 11 tweets 4 min read
🧵IPC & UN still maintains that 1.1 million Gazans are currently in famine and have been for months, which means 220 Gazans should be dying daily from hunger. But many photos from Palestinian media in Gaza confirm famine is a lie. See 10 recent examples that expose the libel: 1/Image Dailty photos are from Ramallah-based media source @qudsn that posts on news and life in Gaza and West Bank. This Jun 6 image shows pizza preparation in Deir al-Balah Gaza. This thread is not denying hardship during war, but claims of Phase 5 famine. 2/
Jun 11 4 tweets 2 min read
🧵Hamas' own casualty data from hostage rescue evidences many combatants, as males are 67% of adult casualties. Only ~96 fatalities have been identified, these are also 67% male. This 2:1 ratio is strong evidence many deaths were combatants. Analysis: 1/
Image Hamas released specific names of ~96 fatalities, each name googled if male or female in Arabic (if either counted as female). 67% were male same as above, again corroborating that IDF killed many male combatants. Will Hamas release full list of names? 2/
Jun 10 13 tweets 5 min read
🧵Did Israel’s hostage rescue violate "perfidy" since IDF special forces dressed as civilians? No, perfidy does not apply here. Many militaries have done the exact same actions without such accusations, according to experts. Analysis, sources and examples: 1/Image Critically, perfidy must by intent “invite the confidence of the adversary” then “betray that confidence.” IDF did not aim to trick Hamas into thinking they’re civilians then betray to kill Hamas fighters. The aim was to quietly enter the location where hostages were held. 2/
Jun 6 8 tweets 3 min read
🧵UN's own satellite data debunks another Gaza lie: unprecedented destruction often claimed at >60%. UNOSAT report from May says only 21% of Gaza destroyed or severely damaged, far less than fake data pushed by NGOs, picked up by media. Analysis: 1/ Destroyed or severely damaged are the key categories. Per UNOSAT, moderately damaged means “limited damaged observed” and possibly damaged means no visible damage just debris nearby. Even if we count “moderate damage” it’s 40% of Gaza, far less than the 60% claimed long ago. 2/Image
Jun 5 11 tweets 5 min read
🧵STARVATION IN GAZA IS A LIE: How do we know? Based on Phase 5 famine in Gaza per IPC there should already be 22,000 starvation deaths! But Hamas & UN claim a total of 30 famine deaths. "Famine" is a UN/NGO campaign of lies against Israel to support ICJ case. Full analysis: 1/Image According to IPC Phase 5 famine means 2 people per 10,000 are dying DAILY. It’s not simply food insecure, or lots of hunger but an acute phase where “starvation, death and destitution are apparent.” If people are not soon dying it's not Phase 5 famine. 2/Image
Jun 3 9 tweets 3 min read
🧵Hamas has been lying about casualty numbers since October. Here is a compilation of their lies and fabrications, easily exposed with simple analysis of their own numbers and reports. Fake deaths, double counting, massively inflated women & children fatalities, etc. 1/ Original exposé was this thread on Dec 4 showing how in daily reports Hamas often claimed more women & children were killed than total fatalities! UN recently revised deaths from 35,000 to 25,000 identified bodies so this post proved to be accurate 2/