Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 Profile picture
J6 conspiracy theorist, insurrection denier. Former food blogger. Real Clear https://t.co/R50N6uQkSf
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Jul 17 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
NEW: Sources tell me DHS Secretary Mayorkas is stonewalling the release of this DHS IG report, which would include any security failures or perhaps involvement by the Secret Service on January 6.

For 2 years, the Biden White House, Democrats in Congress, and the media have attacked DHS IG Joseph Cuffari, who discovered that all of the texts belonging to roughly two dozen Secret Service officials including the head of USSS related to Jan 6 had been deleted at the end of January 2021--under the Biden regime.

Cuffari sought a criminal investigation into the purge of the messages--which occurred AFTER Democrats notified each federal agency to preserve all records and documents for Jan 6.

Instead, the J6 Committee and Biden White House started to smear Cuffari, claiming he failed to notify Congress about the missing texts--which is not true.

Cuffari today announced an inquiry into the Secret Service for the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.Image Bennie Thompson--chair of the J6 select committee who pretended his job was to get to the truth about what happened that day--led the smear campaign against Cuffari and it continues to this day.

Jul 8 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
MORE on fallout of Fischer and DOJ's plans to try to make 1512c2 stick to keep J6ers in jail and maintain the charge despite SCOTUS stating evidence impairment element must be present.

DOJ has not made that allegation in any indictment for 3 1/2 years but the crooks at the department are working on it now.

Judge Amit Mehta (I will get to him in a moment) just continued the already delayed sentencing of Oath Keeper Donovan Crowl. Here is what Matthew Graves' office told Mehta--basically, give us a month or so to come up with some garbage excuse to sustain 1512c2 count especially in high profile cases like Proud Boys:Image When I am asked which judges should first be impeached (in an ideal world), Mehta is often in my top 4.


Among other reasons, he permitted the 1512c2 charge to go forward among the greatest number of J6 defendants.

This is from Dec 2021--he admits none of the indictments against the Oath Keepers involved evidence impairment, the new standard established by SCOTUS.

Nonetheless, Mehta denied motions to dismiss based on DOJ's intentional misreading of 1512c2Image
Jul 6 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
BREAKING: Judge Cannon just granted Trump's motion to pause some deadlines in FLA doc case to consider SCOTUS' immunity opinion and potential impact on the case. Trump's lawyers filed the motion yesterdayImage As expected, Team Trump notes Justice Thomas' concurring opinion suggesting Smith's appointment is unconstitutional.

Trump already has pending motion to dismiss case based on unlawful appointment of special counsel. It was debated at a hearing last month. Image
Jun 27 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
NEW: Judge Cannon just filed another banger of an order related to FBI raid of Mar-a-Lago and the former chief judge of DC court, the wretched Beryl Howell, decision to pierce attorney-client privilege that forced Trump's lawyer to turn over his records to Jack Smith in the documents case.

First, Cannon will hold a hearing into whether the search warrant was overly vague and whether agents were properly instructed as to the records they were authorized to seize.

This came up during the hearing on Tuesday. At issue are the general terms in the "property to be seized" attachment B. (On the right)

Also, were FBI agents fully briefed before the raid as to the different category of records involved?

Part of her order on the left.Image
Second--and this is huge and an issue I've covered in the past but haven't been able to update yet--Cannon is taking on Howell's clearly political ruling to pierce atty-client privilege amid alleged proof that Trump's lawyer, Evan Corcoran, was used to advance a crime committed by his client.

Jack Smith sought the piercing of privilege just weeks after being appointed special counsel.

Howell, an Obama appointee who makes her contempt for Trump well known, was only too happy to oblige. Corcoran then had to testify before the DC grand jury and produce all of his notes including recordings.

Cannon wants the full record behind Howell's decision and to hold a hearing related to the process. She has made several public comments expressing her frustration that most of the DOJ's investigation in the docs case occurred in DC rather than southern Florida.

Getting favorable rulings by Howell is why.

And the DC court is still concealing the records including GJ transcripts.Image
Jun 22 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
In advance of Monday’s hearing on Jack Smith’s latest proposed partial gag order on Trump, the special counsel last night filed another hyperbolic brief filled with unsubstantiated claims of bodily threats to law enforcement in docs case.

Note how Smith says “this Court.” He thinks Cannon won’t know about the similar gag order he sought (and received) from Judge Chutkan in DC.

In that proposal, he asked Chutkan to ban Trump from publicly criticizing HIM and others in special counsel’s office.

Chutkan granted—DC appellate court later reversed the part of her order covering Jack Smith, basically saying he’s a public official and should be able to take some criticism lolImage Jack Smith used this same incident—fatal shooting of an Ohio man who allegedly tried to “attack” an FBI office a few days after MAL raid—in his gag order request in DC.

Like then, Smith now overlooks the fact that Ricky Shiffer was under FBI investigation for Jan 6:
Jun 19 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
Hey guys remember this story from several days ago.

Well....you'll never guess what happened!

Or actually...you probably will guess.Image Another fed trap. This time, a man who appears to be a loner in Arizona who takes care of an 82-year-old man and goes to gun shows.

Set up by another seasoned FBI informant (CHS) Image
Jun 14 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
With new Pelosi “I take responsibility” clip, let’s revisit the transcript of Jamie Fleet, who was a senior advisor to Pelosi reporting directly to her chief of staff and served on staff of House Adm committee.

He told J6 committee he and others started planning for “contingencies” for January 6 IN THE SUMMER OF 2020:Image On Jan 5, Fleet held a meeting with Zoe Lofgren, Pelosi’s handpicked chair of House Adm committee, Pelosi’s sergeant at arms Paul Irving, and Chief Sund.

We are to believe the concerns discussed related to J6 were never shared with Pelosi? Image
Jun 13 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Trump’s lawyers just filed a motion to dismiss docs case based on mishandling of records during and after the MAL raid. The motion is the latest filing to detail malfeasance related to the unprecedented raid.

My latest for ⁦@RCInvestigates⁩ realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2024/… FBI agents, armed and authorized to use lethal force, didn’t even follow their own plan. Both privileged and alleged “classified” papers were sloppily handled despite DOJ’s claims the files posed a national security threat.

Agents were more concerned with rummaging thru Mrs. Trump’s private suite and taking doctored photos for the media than carefully preserving evidence.

Main DOJ ran the show—Jay Bratt pushed to pursue a warrant in May 2022, a few months after NARA allegedly found papers with classified markings in boxes Trump’s team gave them.
Jun 12 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
I have obtained the transcript of the sentencing hearing for 76-year-old Paula Harlow, who was convicted by a DC jury for blocking a doorway at a late-term abortion clinic in 2020.

When I tell you the line prosecutors and judges in DC are soulless sadists, believe me.

Here is what asst. US Attorney Rebecca Ross said about Harlow's conduct and DOJ's sentencing request:Image While Rebecca Ross was in law school climbing up the DOJ ladder, Paula Harlow was an active member of her community and raised 6 children including 4 siblings she adopted.

Here is Ross asking Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly (Clinton) not to sentence Harlow to home detention:
Jun 5 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Setting aside the fact this conversation probably never happened—and if it did, this “Schultz” person got the facts of Jan 6 wrong—Biden keeps getting the name of the German chancellor wrong. (It’s now Olaf Scholz) Image Biden once attributed the very likely imaginary comment to Helmut Kohl: Image
Jun 4 • 4 tweets • 2 min read

Merrick Garland will testify before @JudiciaryGOP this morning. (Let's hope Republicans do a better job than they did yesterday with Fauci.)

Garland reportedly will denounce "baseless" attacks against DOJ including use of deadly force policy in FBI plan to raid MAL.

Garland claims the language is "standard" and was contained in the FBI plan to search Biden's home for classified documents.

OK - bring the receipts, Mr. AG. Where is the FD-888 or any other document to prove his claim re: Biden?

It's sort of interesting that Special Counsel Jack Smith TWICE failed to note the use of deadly force language in Biden search documents in his gag order request related to that very issue.

declassified.live/p/fbi-authoriz… Did the FBI mishandle evidence seized at MAL?

Does each classified record match each replacement sheet used inside the boxes to indicate where classified doc was found?

Did FBI agents use those same cover sheets to create this photograph?

Jun 4 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
In a March 2021 detention hearing for J6er Christopher Grider, then-District Court Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson concluded DOJ had provided enough evidence to support the 1512(c)(2) obstruction of an official proceeding charge against Grider.

As a Supreme Court justice, KBJ has a vested interest in supporting DOJ's position on 1512(c)(2) in the pending Fischer v US question.

She must recuse h/t @FreeStateWillImage Her comments about a "constitutional duty" strongly suggests she will conclude Jan 6 was an "official proceeding."

She also parroted the line about "lies" related to the 2020 election. What those lies are--she doesn't say.

KJB just can't think of a worse threat to the country than what happened on Jan 6.

She must recuse.Image
May 28 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
NEW: Two Trump judges side with DOJ in denying appeal by Thomas Webster, former NYPD cop, related to change of venue and biased jurors that resulted in his conviction.

A full-throated endorsement of DC's rigged legal and judicial system by Gregory Katsas and Neomi RaoImage
The presiding judge in this case was Judge Amit Mehta, an Obama appointee and one of the toughest on J6ers. It was one of the first J6 trials.

Jury selected in one day.

He was convicted in a matter of hours. Image
May 27 • 5 tweets • 3 min read
NEW: Donald Trump just filed a response to Jack Smith's holiday weekend motion to modify release conditions to prohibit the former president from making statements about law enforcement involved in classified documents case: Image I can tell you as someone who has covered these proceedings diligently including attending court hearings, Cannon will not take lightly Smith's failure to confer with defense in any meaningful way before posting the motion.

Trump motion on left, Smith's footnote on right:
May 26 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
Within the span of a half hour last week, one of Jack Smith's prosecutors in classified docs case called defense argument "garbage," told Judge Cannon the proceeding "is no way to run a railroad," and pounded on podium, clapped his hands in rage:

declassified.live/p/meltdown-in-… David Harbach threw a mini temper tantrum over claims that Jay Bratt, Harbach's co-counsel on Smith's team, threatened a defense attorney during an August 2022 meeting.

Stanley Woodward, who represents Walt Nauta, Trump's valet also charged in the case, has alleged that Bratt wanted Nauta to flip on Trump and become a government witness.

During the August 2022 meeting, Bratt--according to a court filing by Woodward--brought up Woodward's pending judicial application before DC Superior Court. Bratt said something like, "you don't want to do anything to mess that up." Meaning--get your client to cooperate.

The meeting is a subject of a congressional inquiry, a DOJ Office of Professional Responsibility probe, and Nauta's motion to dismiss for vindictive prosecution.

Cannon is considering the motion and Nauta's request for any discovery related to the meeting including correspondence.

This is how one exchange went down Wednesday morning as Cannon pressed for details about Harbach's knowledge of records about the meeting--Harbach had just described Woodward's account of the August 2022 meeting a "fantasy."Image
May 21 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Tons of new unsealed filings on classified docs case--I will try to post as much as I can (there goes the workout) but this is mind-blowing.

FBI authorized the use of deadly force at Mar-a-LagoImage Oh my God

Armed FBI agents were preparing to confront Trump and even engage Secret Service if necessary.

They were going to go door to door to terrorize MAL guests and even pick the locks.

Gestapo Image
May 21 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
NEW: Trump's latest motion to dismiss classified docs case just hit the docket.

Trump accuses Jack Smith of prosecutorial abuse and denial of due process.

Trump again accuses Biden White House of colluding with National Archives to concoct the case:Image The Archivist at the time was David Ferriero, an Obama appointee who called Jan 6 the worst day of his life.

He started threatening Trump's transition team in spring 2021 that he would go to DOJ unless they returned unspecified presidential records. He warned he would notify the DOJ that Trump destroyed official papers:Image
May 19 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
This will certainly outrage many J6ers and their families.

A NY man was arrested last November for assaulting 2 Capitol police officers during a pro-Hamas demonstration outside the DNC. (V1 here is a female officer according to a Capitol Police press release.)

Ruben Camacho also resisted arrest and blocked an exit used by federal lawmakers.

Here is the incident report.

But unlike J6ers accused of assaulting police...Image Camacho was not charged in federal court--he was charged in DC (local) Superior Court by DC US Attorney Matthew Graves, the same Biden appointed prosecutor continuing to arrest and charge J6ers with assault on federal officers.

Camacho did not have to face Judge Beryl Howell or Judge Tim Kelly or Judge Royce Lamberth in the DC federal courthouse. Camacho was not denied release from jail pending trial or plea; he was not condemned as an "insurrectionist" or "domestic terrorist" by federal prosecutors.

No, because Camacho participated in a protest sanctioned and funded by Democrats, he got a slap on the wrist:Image
May 18 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
If Sam Alito must recuse from Jan 6-related matters because his wife flew an upside down US flag (!?) allegedly demonstrating bias about J6, then so too must Ketanji Brown Jackson.

She was part of a 3-judge (all Dem appointees) appellate panel upholding Judge Tanya Chutkan's denial of Trump's privilege claims to keep his records from J6 committee.

In an hyperbolic, dishonest, and politically-charged opinion issued Dec 2021 (9 whole days after oral arguments), Jackson agreed with these claims about Trump and January 6. (Order written by Obama appointee Patricia Millett)

Almost every word here--esp the reference to Brian Sicknick--is a lie.Image Jackson suggests protesters brought firearms (nope)

The opinion also cites perjured testimony of Capitol cop Aquilino Gonell, who lied about his injuries under oath before the committee and in court proceedings.

And no "member of the mob" has been identified or charged with building the gallows.Image
May 11 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
NEW: In recently filed affidavit in classified docs case, a dirty cop from the corrupt Washington FBI field office asks Dem donor/Epstein defender Judge Bruce Reinhart to sign a warrant to get the cell phones of Walt Nauta, one of Trump's personal aides.

Why? For moving boxes and allegedly giving inconsistent statements to authorities about boxes.

Reinhart of course also signed the Mar-a-Lago search warrant. Everywhere you turn in this case, it gets dirtier and dirtier.Image
HOLY SH*T: Reinhart also signed off on a warrant to search NAUTA'S CAR.

Like he's a drug dealers or child trafficker.

This was all about DOJ's degenerate midget Jay Bratt attempting to torment Nauta into flipping on Trump.Image
May 7 • 4 tweets • 4 min read
You now see the usual suspects once again claim Judge Aileen Cannon is delaying the classified documents trial by putting on hold a key hearing (CIPA 5) that requires the defense to disclose what classified records they intend to use at trial.

What the very same analysts/commentators (looking at you Joyce Vance) intentionally ignore is that Special Counsel Jack Smith's mishandling of evidence and misrepresentations to the court are responsible for any delay. (Also, Smith didn't produce all classified discovery until the end of March.)

Further, the May 20 trial date has been vacated due to Smith's other indictment against Trump in DC (now on hold pending SCOTUS opinion on immunity--that trial date was March 4) and Trump's trial in NYC. One lawyer represents Trump in FLA and NYC.

These "legal" experts insist Trump has no due process rights and that one trial/proceeding should not impact another. Judge Cannon has explicitly said that she will honor Trump's rights as defendant to participate in his defense--which is further complicated by the need to review classified evidence in a secure facility.

Look at this argument by Jay Bratt in a filing last month. Keep in mind--this degenerate midget represents the United States:Image
This is from Smith's brief filed late Friday.

Not only did Smith (Bratt) admit Bratt misled the court last month related to the existing condition of the 34 boxes taken from Mar-a-Lago, but Smith further admitted the FBI index identifying exactly where an alleged classified record was found within a box containing other items IS NOT ACCURATE.

But, Smith claims, it doesn't matter if the FBI index is inaccurate or why the inner contents of the box is not in its original form because all that matters is an alleged classified document in defiance of the May 2022 subpoena was somewhere in the box.

Smith also tells Judge Cannon that since defense didn't uncover this scandal earlier, it should have no bearing on how to proceed.
