Joe Lee, MD Profile picture
The best papertrail on earth to put Fauci in Prison for life. The best cure for COVID, fasting, and pathways to PROVE it. The STRONGEST science to show RISK
Critiqaldave Profile picture John Traffas Profile picture Joe Lee, MD Profile picture 4 subscribed
Jul 19 38 tweets 8 min read
@DrAseemMalhotra No, Aseem. YOU have INFINITE more responsibility than Trump does.

Why? Because YOU were an antivax leader. If YOU had done your job properly? Then Trump wouldn't have to deal with ANY of this.

YOU refused to use the BEST SCIENCE to fight the COVID vaccine. @DrAseemMalhotra everyone on EARTH knows that "antivaxxers" have this reputation of being STUPID.

Trump already OPENED his mouth once about bleach and got NAILED for it. It's not HIS responsibility to fight this right now when you all could have EASILY ended the vaccine with my info.
Jul 16 21 tweets 5 min read
@AmerAcadPeds @DrScottHadland NINE MONTHS now AAPeds, since I've informed you of the String Mechanism and a lot more.

You don't have a rebuttal yet? 2000 posts from me? in over nine months? and you asked all 67,000 of your pediatricians? no one has a rebuttal? @AmerAcadPeds @DrScottHadland You DO know what that means now, don't you?

IF the String mechanism can't be refuted?

Then, pediatricians have been injuring/killing millions of children in the past 200 years.

Jul 15 28 tweets 6 min read
@JoyceWhiteVance If you promote a MASS KILLER are you then promoting VIOLENCE in violation of X's TOS? YES.

and can you then be CANCELLED by X? YES.

If the String Mechanism is irrefutable, then BIDEN IS a mass killer (much more than 10,000) of Americans via his vaccine mandate. @JoyceWhiteVance If you ARE informed of EXACTLY what makes Biden a Killer of Americans, which is clearly DAMAGE to Americans, once you are INFORMED of this issue?

I CAN SHOW INTENT. Then, isn't your promotion of Biden/Harris on X, the PROMOTION of VIOLENCE against the American people?
Jul 14 25 tweets 5 min read
@GuntherEagleman Fauci deserves to go to hell.

But, while on earth? If he does get prosecuted? My papertrail with him has the BEST CHANCE of putting him in prison for LIFE.

This bastard. Fauci HELPED the dems create the situation that is today. @GuntherEagleman The info I gave Fauci SEP 2020? Should have STOPPED the COVID mRNA vaccine back then.

Any scientist that looks at it now? Would agree that the info I presented to Fauci warranted a FULL investigation and a REPEAT of their FDA clinical trial.

I basically showed Fauci?
Jul 13 29 tweets 6 min read
@JoeBiden If you promote a MASS KILLER are you then promoting VIOLENCE in violation of X's TOS? YES.

and can you then be CANCELLED by X?

YES. If the String Mechanism is irrefutable, then YOU, BIDEN are a mass killer (much more than 10,000) of Americans via your vaccine mandate. @JoeBiden If you ARE informed of EXACTLY what makes YOU a Killer of Americans, which is clearly DAMAGE to Americans, once you are INFORMED of this issue?

I CAN SHOW INTENT. Then, isn't your promotion of YOU BIDEN on X, the PROMOTION of VIOLENCE against the American people?
Jul 13 26 tweets 5 min read
@DanRather If you promote a MASS KILLER are you then promoting VIOLENCE in violation of X's TOS? YES.

and can you then be CANCELLED by X? YES.

If the String Mechanism is irrefutable, then BIDEN IS a mass killer (much more than 10,000) of Americans via his vaccine mandate. @DanRather If you ARE informed of EXACTLY what makes Biden a Killer of Americans, which is clearly DAMAGE to Americans, once you are INFORMED of this issue?

I CAN SHOW INTENT. Then, isn't your promotion of Biden/Harris on X, the PROMOTION of VIOLENCE against the American people?
Jul 12 26 tweets 5 min read
@acnewsitics If you promote a MASS KILLER are you then promoting VIOLENCE in violation of X's TOS? YES.

and can you then be CANCELLED by X? YES.

If the String Mechanism is irrefutable, then BIDEN IS a mass killer (much more than 10,000) of Americans via his vaccine mandate. @acnewsitics If you ARE informed of EXACTLY what makes Biden a Killer of Americans, which is clearly DAMAGE to Americans, once you are INFORMED of this issue? I CAN SHOW INTENT.

Then, isn't your promotion of Biden/Harris on X, the PROMOTION of VIOLENCE against the American people?
Jul 12 26 tweets 5 min read
@JoJoFromJerz If you promote a MASS KILLER are you then promoting VIOLENCE in violation of X's TOS? YES.

and can you then be CANCELLED by X? YES.

If the String Mechanism is irrefutable, then BIDEN IS a mass killer (much more than 10,000) of Americans via his vaccine mandate. @JoJoFromJerz If you ARE informed of EXACTLY what makes Biden a Killer of Americans, which is clearly DAMAGE to Americans, once you are INFORMED of this issue?

Then, isn't your promotion of Biden/Harris on X, then the PROMOTION of VIOLENCE against the American people?
Jul 11 30 tweets 7 min read
@TammyDuckworth @JoeBiden If the String Mechanism can't be refuted?

It is then ALSO IRREFUTABLE that BIDEN and Harris INJURED/KILLED Americans with their vaccine mandate.

Biden/Harris have then KILLED up to 600,000 Americans with their vaccine mandate.

@TammyDuckworth @JoeBiden Has ANYONE on X promoted a killer who has even killed only a 1000 Americans?

If someone DID promote a killer on this level, isn't it very LIKELY that that killer would CONTINUE to kill?

Then, isn't promoting a killer the PROMOTION OF VIOLENCE on X?

Jul 10 26 tweets 4 min read

"We’ve added a temporary label to your account which may impact its reach. Learn more"

Such bullshit. Humans will have to learn.

spare the rod, spoil the child?

avoid mean words, end up with killing vaccines.

Is this so hard to understand? That's why Sam Harris is completely wrong about what "health" means.
Jul 8 25 tweets 5 min read
@acnewsitics Fascism "stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition"

Tell me how Biden did NOT do this the past four years?

Didn't he MANDATE the fucking shot? @acnewsitics Didn't he DICTATE that stupid "campaign against misinformation," the heavy SUPPRESSION of opposition against "misinformation?" that STUPID euphemism for CENSORSHIP?

Oh, you wouldn't REMEMBER since YOU WEREN'T CENSORED you fucking DUMMY.
Jul 6 83 tweets 15 min read
@NobelPrize Is it possible that your organization awarded Nobel prizes to two U of Penn Alumni that helped bring an mRNA vaccine to the world that had the MAIN EFFECT of creating PRECIPITINS/CLOT that injured and killed millions of people all over the world?

@NobelPrize If there was EVER an award, trophy, prize, that needed to be RETRACTED?

THESE TWO NOBELS? TOP THAT SHITTY LIST. Yeah, the most incredible award on earth? HAHAHAHAHAHA

2023 Nobel Prize Winners Drew Weissman & Katalin Karikó?

I GUARANTEE YOU that these will be REVOKED.
Jul 3 43 tweets 7 min read
@Classhndicapper What proof do they have that the antibody helped? no mechanism other than a "neutralizing antibody."

So what, if you caught one mouse in a mouse-trap. when something else destroyed 50 billion mice. @Classhndicapper When I got COVID in 2020? I destroyed 50 billion viruses in my body? with NO COVID antibodies?

Let's say I HAD COVID antibodies. Everyone KNOWS that having COVID antibodies (vaccine) does NOT prevent getting COVID.

Let's say the antibodies bind a billion viruses. or not.
Jul 1 35 tweets 7 min read
@TheJusticeDept @USMarshalsHQ To the DOJ. Please forward to the WHITE HOUSE attorney.

This is critical information of the most important nature.

It appears that the POTUS (Biden) has been INJURYING and KILLING Americans with his vaccine mandate (if String is irrefutable). @TheJusticeDept @USMarshalsHQ IF the String mechanism can't be refuted

Then, Biden injured/killed (at a minimum) tens of thousands of Americans with his vaccine mandate.

Thread with 20 references showing who isn't able to refute the String Mechanism.
Jul 1 9 tweets 2 min read
@kalashnikity @davidhadballs @EricAbbenante It's the precipitin ball that acts like a steel scouring pad on the blood vessel walls as opposed to trying to clean the tub with a rubber ducky? that will just slip and slide? but the scouring pad is SUPER abrasive?

That's what the PRECIPITIN ball behaves as. @kalashnikity @davidhadballs @EricAbbenante Because the PRECIPITIN ball is a skeleton of antibodies/antigen in a meshwork but this meshwork? does NOT have a bilipid cell membrane like the smooth surface of a rubber ducky.

So, as the PRECIPITIN balls course through blood vessels? as the blood moves and turns?
Jul 1 10 tweets 2 min read
@AboutPediatrics You loser. Now? Isn't it pretty obvious to you? that you're involved in child abuse?

You INTENTIONALLY damage children. You're a snake. @AboutPediatrics vincent Iannelli. Really, how do you live with yourself?

What allows you to know that vaccines injure and kill children, which is what you've been doing for decades? Whether knowingly or unknowingly injuring children, is that just sheer idiocy? or pure evil?

which V. ian?
Jun 28 5 tweets 2 min read
@POTUS I'm stating that you injured and killed tens of thousands of Americans with your vaccine mandate if no one can refute the String Mechanism which shows that the MAIN EFFECT of your vaccine was to cause precipitins/clots.

@POTUS President Biden. These are serious accusations. If NO ONE can refute the String mechanism?

That means you INJURED and KILLED Americans with the COVID mRNA vaccine mandate.

Don't you need to look for a scientific REBUTTAL of the String Mechanism???
Jun 28 47 tweets 10 min read
@Penn U of Penn? The world NEEDS you-------- to do the RIGHT THING.

Can you set a GOOD example for your graduating class?

I show EXACTLY how the COVID vaccine AND half the childhood vaccines? Are INJURING and KILLING Americans with a mechanism that hasn't been refuted. @Penn Look how SIMPLE and FUNDAMENTAL the issue is.

There isn't a U of Penn grad that can't understand this.

It's beyond ludicrous. It shows EXACTLY how DUMB the vaccinologists have been for 200 years.

Jun 27 15 tweets 4 min read
@NobelPrize To the Nobel Prize Committee. Part 2.

For the greatest benefit to humankind. I like those words. I believe in those words. That's how I live.

You know why I'm posting to you all?

To expose what is currently going on which is the greatest HARM to humankind. @NobelPrize @AmerMedicalAssn @BBCWorld @ScienceMagazine @AmerAcadPeds

If I show you exactly how pediatricians are hurting and killing children with their vaccines that have the MAIN EFFECT of creating PRECIPITINS that block blood flow, would Alfred Nobel be PROUD of you all?
Jun 27 34 tweets 8 min read
@NobelPrize To the Nobel Prize Committee. CRITICAL information.

We have a CATASTROPHIC issue. The COVID mRNA vaccine? Has a MAIN EFFECT of causing DAMAGE to Americans and it hasn't been refuted.

Look at this ONE video.

@NobelPrize @AmerMedicalAssn @nytimes The COVID mRNA vaccine has the MAIN EFFECT of creating PRECIPITINS that block blood flow and causes ischemic damage.

The COVID mRNA vaccine has the MAIN EFFECT of injuring and killing Americans. Isn't this ABSOLUTELY true if no one can REFUTE the String Mechanism?
Jun 27 38 tweets 9 min read
@GovWhitmer Part 2. Gov. Whitmer.

Your masks? oh, you couldn't be more wrong about masks.

since you're so big on being PRO mask? You should read this thread to educate yourself. Because this shuts up EVERY PERSON who is such a stupidly die hard mask fan.

@GovWhitmer you know, I knew much of this information since the very beginning. I watched all of you, thinking, do democrats REALLY believe that censorship in science/medicine works?

You know, when you get to SHUT UP the opposing view? who can't look BRILLIANT? Even YOU CAN.